Catalog Items
A Catalog Item is a dataset or service that can be enabled for display on the map or in a chart. The Type column in the table below indicates the "type"
property to use in the Initialization File.
Name | Type |
ArcGIS FeatureServer | esri-featureServer |
ArcGIS MapServer | esri-mapServer |
Bing Maps | bing-maps |
Carto Map | carto |
Cesium 3D Tiles | 3d-tiles |
Cesium Ion Imagery | ion-imagery |
Cesium Language (CZML) | czml |
Cesium Terrain | cesium-terrain |
CKAN Resource | ckan-resource |
Composite | composite |
Comma-Separated Values (CSV) | csv |
Format Conversion Service (based on OGR) | ogr |
GeoJSON | geojson |
GPX | gpx |
Keyhole Markup Language (KML) | kml |
MAGDA Distribution | magda-distribution |
Mapbox Map | mapbox-map |
Mapbox Vector Tile | mvt |
OpenStreetMap | open-street-map |
SDMX-JSON | sdmx-json |
Sensor Observation Service (SOS) | sos |
URL Template | url-template |
Web Feature Service (WFS) | wfs |
Web Map Service (WMS) | wms |