"use strict";
import { nest as d3Nest } from "d3-collection";
import defaultValue from "terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defaultValue";
import defined from "terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined";
const defaultClassName = "base-chart-title";
const defaultHeight = 30; // The additional height of the title, which may in fact be the legend.
* Handles the drawing of the chart title, which may be a string or a legend.
* @param {String} [titleSettings.type='string'] May be 'string' or 'legend'.
* @param {String} [titleSettings.title] For 'string'-type titles, the title.
* @param {String} [titleSettings.className] The className to use for the title DOM element. Defaults to 'base-chart-title'.
* @param {Number} [titleSettings.height=defaultTitleHeight] The height of the title bar.
const Title = {
className(titleSettings) {
return titleSettings && titleSettings.className
? titleSettings.className
: defaultClassName;
getHeight(titleSettings) {
return defaultValue(
defined(titleSettings) ? titleSettings.height : 0,
create(d3Element, titleSettings) {
// For a nicely centered title, use css: .chart-title {left: 0, right: 0, text-align: center;} and maybe {margin: 0 auto;}.
.attr("class", Title.className(titleSettings))
.style("opacity", 1e-6)
.style("position", "absolute");
) {
// The title might be the legend, or a simple string.
const title = d3Element
.select("." + Title.className(titleSettings))
.style("top", margin.top + "px");
.style("opacity", Title.getHeight(titleSettings) > 0 ? 1 : 1e-6);
if (defined(titleSettings)) {
let titleData = state.data;
if (titleSettings.type === "string") {
titleData = [{ id: "_string__", name: titleSettings.title }];
// in d3 v4, selection.data method returns new selections
// rather than modifying the selection in-place.
const titleComponents = title
.data(titleData, d => d.id);
// Check whether there are multiple category names and/or column names.
const numberOfCategories = d3Nest().key(d => d.categoryName).length;
const numberOfColumnNames = d3Nest().key(d => d.name).length;
// This is to only show the interesting parts of the name & categoryName in the title,
// similar to Tooltip.js.
const getName = function(d, index) {
if (!d.categoryName) {
return d.name;
if (numberOfColumnNames === 1) {
return d.categoryName + (index === 0 ? " " + d.name : "");
if (numberOfCategories === 1) {
return (index === 0 ? d.categoryName + " " : "") + d.name;
if (d.name === d.categoryName) {
return d.categoryName;
return d.categoryName + " " + d.name;
// Enter.
const addedTitleComponents = titleComponents
.attr("class", "title-component");
if (titleSettings.type === "legend") {
addedTitleComponents.append("span").attr("class", "color");
addedTitleComponents.append("span").attr("class", "name");
// Enter and update.
const mergedTitleComponents = addedTitleComponents.merge(titleComponents);
.style("background-color", d => d.color)
.style("border-radius", d => {
return d.type === "momentPoints" ? "50%" : "0";
// Exit.
module.exports = Title;