"use strict";
import i18next from "i18next";
/*global require*/
var defaultValue = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defaultValue").default;
var loadJson = require("./loadJson");
var when = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/when").default;
var DEFAULT_URL = "serverconfig/";
* Provides information about the configuration of the Terria server, by querying /serverconfig
function ServerConfig() {
* Contains configuration information retrieved from the server. The attributes are defined by TerriaJS-Server but include:
* version: current version of server
* proxyAllDomains: whether all domains can be proxied
* allowProxyFrom: array of domains that can be proxied
* maxConversionSize: maximum size, in bytes, of files that can be uploaded to conversion service
* newShareUrlPrefix: if defined, the share URL service is active
* shareUrlPrefixes: object defining share URL prefixes that can be resolved
* additionalFeedbackParameters: array of additional feedback parameters that can be used
* @type {Object}
this.config = undefined;
* Initialises the object by fetching the configuration from the server. Note that if the request to get config from the proxy server fails, an error
* is logged and nothing else happens. If you want to do something more like display a warning to the user, you'll have
* to .otherwise the promise returned from the method.
* @param {String} serverConfigUrl Optional override URL.
* @return {Object} Promise that resolves to the configuration object itself.
ServerConfig.prototype.init = function(serverConfigUrl) {
if (this.config !== undefined) {
return when(this.config);
this.serverConfigUrl = defaultValue(serverConfigUrl, DEFAULT_URL);
var that = this;
return loadJson(this.serverConfigUrl)
.then(function(config) {
that.config = config;
return that.config;
.otherwise(function(e) {
i18next.t("core.serverConfig.failedToGet", {
serverConfigUrl: that.serverConfigUrl
module.exports = ServerConfig;