
/*global require*/
"use strict";

var defined = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined").default;
var CesiumDragPoints = require("../Map/CesiumDragPoints");
var LeafletDragPoints = require("../Map/LeafletDragPoints");
var ViewerMode = require("../Models/ViewerMode");

 * Callback for when a point is moved.
 * @callback PointMovedCallback
 * @param {CustomDataSource} customDataSource Contains all point entities that user has selected so far

 * For letting user drag existing points, altering their position without creating or destroying them. Works for all
 * @alias DragPoints
 * @constructor
 * ViewerModes.
 * @param {Terria} terria The Terria instance.
 * @param {PointMovedCallback} pointMovedCallback A function that is called when a point is moved.
var DragPoints = function(terria, pointMovedCallback) {
  this._terria = terria;

  var that = this;
  // It's possible to change viewerMode while mid-drawing, but in that case we need to change the dragPoints helper.
  this._terria.afterViewerChanged.addEventListener(function() {

 * Set up the drag point helper. Note that this might happen when a drawing exists if the user has changed viewerMode.
DragPoints.prototype.setUp = function() {
  if (defined(this._entities)) {

 * The drag count is an indication of how long the user dragged for. If it's really small, perhaps the user clicked,
 * but a mousedown/mousemove/mouseup event trio was triggered anyway. It solves a problem where in leaflet the click
 * event triggers even if the point has been dragged because it lets us determine whether the point was really dragged.
DragPoints.prototype.getDragCount = function() {
  return this._dragPointsHelper.dragCount;

 * Reset drag count to 0, to indicate the user hasn't dragged.
DragPoints.prototype.resetDragCount = function() {
  this._dragPointsHelper.dragCount = 0;

 * Update the list of draggable objects with a new list of entities that are able to be dragged. We are only interested
 * in entities that the user has drawn.
 * @param {CustomDataSource} entities Entities that user has drawn on the map.
DragPoints.prototype.updateDraggableObjects = function(entities) {
  this._entities = entities;

 * Create the drag point helper based on which viewerMode is active.
 * @param {PointMovedCallback} pointMovedCallback A function that is called when a point is moved.
 * @private
DragPoints.prototype._createDragPointsHelper = function(pointMovedCallback) {
  if (defined(this._dragPointsHelper)) {
  if (this._terria.viewerMode === ViewerMode.Leaflet) {
    this._dragPointsHelper = new LeafletDragPoints(
  } else {
    this._dragPointsHelper = new CesiumDragPoints(

module.exports = DragPoints;