/*global require*/
"use strict";
var defaultValue = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defaultValue").default;
var defined = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined").default;
var destroyObject = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/destroyObject")
var DeveloperError = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/DeveloperError")
var JulianDate = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/JulianDate").default;
var knockout = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/knockout").default;
var uniq = require("lodash.uniq");
var formatNumberForLocale = require("../Core/formatNumberForLocale");
var inherit = require("../Core/inherit");
var VarType = require("../Map/VarType");
var VarSubType = require("../Map/VarSubType");
var VariableConcept = require("../Map/VariableConcept");
var typeHintSet = [
{ hint: /^(lon|long|longitude|lng)$/i, type: VarType.LON },
{ hint: /^(lat|latitude)$/i, type: VarType.LAT },
{ hint: /^(address|addr)$/i, type: VarType.ADDR },
{ hint: /^(.*[_ ])?(depth|height|elevation)$/i, type: VarType.ALT },
{ hint: /^(.*[_ ])?(time|date)/i, type: VarType.TIME }, // Quite general, eg. matches "Start date (AEST)".
{ hint: /^(year)$/i, type: VarType.TIME }, // Match "year" only, not "Final year" or "0-4 years".
{ hint: /^postcode|poa|(.*_code)$/i, type: VarType.ENUM }
var endDateHintSet = [
{ hint: /^(.*[_ ])?end[\s_]?(time|date)/i, type: true } // Matches "end_date" or "My end time (AEST)".
var subtypeHintSet = [{ hint: /^(.*[_ ])?(year)/i, type: VarSubType.YEAR }];
var defaultReplaceWithNullValues = ["na", "NA", "-"];
var defaultReplaceWithZeroValues = [];
* TableColumn is a light class containing a single variable (or column) from a TableStructure.
* It guesses the variable type (time, enum etc) from the variable name.
* It extends VariableConcept, which is used to represent the variable in the NowViewing tab.
* This gives it isActive, isSelected and color fields.
* In future it may perform additional processing.
* @alias TableColumn
* @constructor
* @extends {VariableConcept}
* @param {String} [name] The name of the variable.
* @param {Number[]} [values] An array of values for the variable.
* @param {Object} [options] Options:
* @param {Boolean} [options.active] Whether the variable should start active.
* @param {TableStructure} [options.tableStructure] The table structure this column belongs to. Required so that only one column is selected at a time.
* @param {VarType} [options.type] The variable type (eg. VarType.TIME). If not present, an educated guess is made based on the name and values.
* @param {VarSubType} [options.subtype] The variable subtype (eg. VarSubType.YEAR). If not present, an educated guess is made based on the name and values.
* @param {Boolean} [options.isEndDate] True if this is has type time and is an end_date. If not present, an educated guess is made based on the name and values.
* @param {VarType[]} [options.unallowedTypes] An array of types which should not be guessed. If not present, all types are allowed. Cannot include VarType.SCALAR.
* @param {VarType[]} [options.displayVariableTypes] If present, only make this variable visible if its type is in this list.
* @param {String[]} [options.replaceWithNullValues] If present, and this is a SCALAR type with at least one numerical value, then replace these values with null.
* Defaults to ['na', 'NA'].
* @param {String[]} [options.replaceWithZeroValues] If present, and this is a SCALAR type with at least one numerical value, then replace these values with 0.
* Defaults to [null, '-']. (Blank values like '' are converted to null before they reach here, so use null instead of '' to catch missing values.)
* @param {Number} [options.displayDuration]
* @param {String} [options.id] Provided so that columns can be renamed; their original name is stored as the id.
* @param {String} [options.format] A format string for this column. For numbers, this is passed as options to toLocaleString.
* @param {String} [options.units] The units of this column, if known. Not currently used internally by TableStructure or TableColumn.
* @param {String} [options.chartLineColor] The string description of the chart line color of this variable, if any.
* @param {Number} [options.yAxisMin] Override for the minimum display value of the y axis in charts.
* @param {Number} [options.yAxisMax] Override for the maximum display value of the y axis in charts.
var TableColumn = function(name, values, options) {
this.options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
// Note - if you add more options, be sure to include them in getFullOptions() too.
VariableConcept.call(this, name, {
parent: this.options.tableStructure,
active: this.options.active,
color: this.options.chartLineColor
this.id = defaultValue(this.options.id, this.id); // if options.id is provided, use it to override the default (this.id = this.name).
this.format = this.options.format;
this.units = this.options.units;
this._rawValues = values;
this._unallowedTypes = defaultValue(this.options.unallowedTypes, []);
this._replaceWithZeroValues = defaultValue(
this._replaceWithNullValues = defaultValue(
this._type = this.options.type;
this._subtype = this.options.subtype;
this._isEndDate = this.options.isEndDate;
if (!defined(this._type)) {
var isNumerical = function(value) {
return typeof value === "number";
if (this._type === VarType.SCALAR && values.some(isNumerical)) {
// Before setting this._values, replace '-' and 'NA' etc with zero/null. Min/max values ignore nulls.
this._values = replaceValues(
} else {
this._values = values;
this._numericalValues = this._values && this._values.filter(isNumerical);
var nonNullValues = this._values.filter(function(value) {
return value !== null;
this._minimumValue = Math.min.apply(null, nonNullValues); // Note: a single NaN value makes this NaN (hence replaceValues above).
this._maximumValue = Math.max.apply(null, nonNullValues);
this.yAxisMin = this.options.yAxisMin;
this.yAxisMax = this.options.yAxisMax;
this._uniqueValues = undefined;
this._indicesIntoUniqueValues = undefined;
this.displayDuration = this.options.displayDuration; // undefined is fine.
* this.dates is a version of values that has been converted to javascript Dates.
* Only if type === VarType.TIME.
this.dates = undefined;
* this.julianDates is a version of values that has been converted to JulianDates.
* Only if type === VarType.TIME.
this.julianDates = undefined;
* this.finishJulianDates is an Array of JulianDates listing the next different date in the values array, less 1 second.
* This is populated by TableStructure, since it may depend on other columns.
* Only if type === VarType.TIME.
this.finishJulianDates = undefined;
* A TimeInterval Array giving when each row applies.
* This is populated by TableStructure, since it may depend on other columns.
* Only if type === VarType.TIME.
this._timeIntervals = undefined;
* A DataSourceClock whose start and stop times correspond to the first and last visible row.
* This is populated by TableStructure, since it may depend on other columns.
* Only if type === VarType.TIME.
this._clock = undefined;
if (defined(values) && this._type === VarType.TIME) {
var jsDatesAndJulianDates = convertToDates(this);
this.dates = jsDatesAndJulianDates.jsDates;
this.julianDates = jsDatesAndJulianDates.julianDates;
if (this.dates.length === 0) {
// We couldn't interpret this as dates after all. Change type to scalar.
this._type = VarType.SCALAR;
} else {
this._subtype = jsDatesAndJulianDates.subtype;
// If it looked like a SCALAR but there are no numerical values, change type to ENUM.
if (isNaN(this._minimumValue) && this._type === VarType.SCALAR) {
this._type = VarType.ENUM;
// Finally, distinguish between ENUM and html tags.
if (this._type === VarType.ENUM && looksLikeHtmlTags(this.values)) {
this._type = VarType.TAG;
this._formattedValues = getFormattedValues(this);
// Track _type so that TableStructure can change columnsByType if type changes.
// Track _values so that charts can update live with new data.
// Track units so that we can set the units after data has loaded, and the chart panel updates.
knockout.track(this, ["_type", "_values", "units", "_timeIntervals"]);
inherit(VariableConcept, TableColumn);
function replaceValues(values, replaceWithZeroValues, replaceWithNullValues) {
// Replace "bad" values like "-" with zero, and "na" with null.
// Note this does not go back and update TableStructure._rows, so the row descriptions will still show the original values.
return values.map(function(value) {
if (replaceWithZeroValues.indexOf(value) >= 0) {
return 0;
if (replaceWithNullValues.indexOf(value) >= 0) {
return null;
return value;
function updateForType(tableColumn) {
// Currently cannot change type to TIME and expect it to work.
// But could update this.dates etc when set to VarType.TIME (if needed).
tableColumn._uniqueValues = undefined;
tableColumn._indicesIntoUniqueValues = undefined;
tableColumn._displayVariableTypes = tableColumn.options.displayVariableTypes;
if (defined(tableColumn._displayVariableTypes)) {
tableColumn.isVisible =
tableColumn._displayVariableTypes.indexOf(tableColumn._type) >= 0;
Object.defineProperties(TableColumn.prototype, {
* Gets or sets the type of this column.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {VarType}
type: {
get: function() {
return this._type;
set: function(type) {
this._type = type;
* Gets or sets the subtype of this column.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {VarSubType}
subtype: {
get: function() {
return this._subtype;
set: function(subtype) {
this._subtype = subtype;
// updateForType(this);
* Gets the values of this column.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {Array}
values: {
get: function() {
return this._values;
* Gets the column's numerical values only.
* This is the quantity used for the legend.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {Array}
numericalValues: {
get: function() {
return this._numericalValues;
* Returns whether this column is an ENUM type.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {Boolean}
isEnum: {
get: function() {
return this._type === VarType.ENUM;
* Gets formatted values of this column.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {Array}
formattedValues: {
get: function() {
return this._formattedValues;
* Gets the minimum value of this column.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {Number}
minimumValue: {
get: function() {
return this._minimumValue;
* Gets the maximum value of this column.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {Number}
maximumValue: {
get: function() {
return this._maximumValue;
* Returns this column's unique values only. Only defined if non-numeric.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {Array}
uniqueValues: {
get: function() {
if (this.isEnum && !defined(this._uniqueValues)) {
this._uniqueValues = uniq(this._values).filter(function(value) {
return value !== null;
sortMostCommonFirst(this._values, this._uniqueValues);
return this._uniqueValues;
* Returns this column's values, except for TIME-type columns, in which case the julian dates are returned.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {Array}
julianDatesOrValues: {
get: function() {
return this.type === VarType.TIME ? this.julianDates : this._values;
* Returns an array describing when each row is visible. Only defined if type == VarType.TIME.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {TimeIntervalCollection[]}
timeIntervals: {
get: function() {
return this._timeIntervals;
* Returns a clock whose start and stop times correspond to the first and last visible row.
* Only defined if type == VarType.TIME.
* @memberOf TableColumn.prototype
* @type {DataSourceClock}
clock: {
get: function() {
return this._clock;
// If -'s or /'s are used to separate the fields, replace them with /'s, and
// swap the first and second fields.
// Eg. '30-12-2015' => '12/30/2015', the US format, because that is what javascript's Date expects.
function swapDateFormat(v) {
var part = v.split(/[/-]/);
if (part.length === 3) {
v = part[1] + "/" + part[0] + "/" + part[2];
return v;
// Replace hypens with slashes in a three-part date, eg. '4-6-2015' => '4/6/2015' or '2015-12-5' => '2015/12/5'.
// This helps because '2015-12-5' will display differently in different browsers, whereas '2015/12/5' will not.
// Also, convert timestamp info, dropping milliseconds, timezone and replacing 'T' with a space.
// Eg.: 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.qqqqZ' => 'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss'.
function replaceHyphensAndConvertTime(v) {
var time = "";
if (!defined(v.indexOf)) {
// could be a number, eg. times may be simple numbers like 730.
return v;
var tIndex = v.indexOf("T");
if (tIndex >= 0) {
var times = v.substr(tIndex + 1).split(":");
if (times && times.length > 1) {
time = " " + times[0] + ":" + times[1];
if (times.length > 2) {
time = time + ":" + parseInt(times[2], 10);
v = v.substr(0, tIndex);
var part = v.split(/-/);
if (part.length === 3) {
v = part[0] + "/" + part[1] + "/" + part[2];
return v + time;
function isInteger(value) {
// Eg. Returns false for '99a', undefined and null, true for '99' and 99.
return (
!isNaN(value) &&
parseInt(Number(value), 10) === +value &&
!isNaN(parseInt(value, 10))
* Returns the options you would pass to recreate this column.
* @return {Object} An options parameter suitable for passing to new TableColumn().
TableColumn.prototype.getFullOptions = function() {
return {
tableStructure: this.parent,
active: this.isActive,
id: this.id,
format: this.format,
units: this.units,
unallowedTypes: this._unallowedTypes,
replaceWithZeroValues: this._replaceWithZeroValues,
replaceWithNullValues: this._replaceWithNullValues,
type: this._type,
subtype: this._subtype,
isEndDate: this._isEndDate,
displayDuration: this.displayDuration,
displayVariableTypes: this._displayVariableTypes,
chartLineColor: this.color,
yAxisMin: this.yAxisMin,
yAxisMax: this.yAxisMax
* Simple check to try to guess date format, based on max value of first position.
* If dates are consistent with US format, it will use US format (mm-dd-yyyy).
* @param {Array} goodValues An array of the column values, with any bad (eg. null) values removed.
* @param {Integer} [subtype] If known, eg. VarSubType.YEAR.
* @private
* @return {Object} Object with keys:
* subtype: The identified subtype, or undefined.
* jsDates: The values as javascript dates.
* julianDates: The values as JulianDates.
TableColumn.convertToDates = function(goodValues, subtype) {
// All browsers appear to understand both yyyy/m/d and m/d/yyyy as arguments to Date (but not with hyphens).
// See http://dygraphs.com/date-formats.html
var firstPositionMaximum = 0; // call this firstPositionMaximum because parseInt('12-10') = 12.
goodValues.forEach(function(value) {
var firstPosition = parseInt(value, 10);
if (firstPosition > firstPositionMaximum) {
firstPositionMaximum = firstPosition;
var dateParsers; // returns [jsDate, julianDate].
// First, could it be a simple integer year format? Assume if all integers less than 9999, then years.
if (
subtype === VarSubType.YEAR ||
(firstPositionMaximum < 9999 &&
goodValues.every(value => isInteger(value) || !defined(value)))
) {
// It's ok to have some missing (null or undefined) values.
subtype = VarSubType.YEAR;
dateParsers = function(v) {
var jsDate = new Date(v + "/01/01");
return [jsDate, JulianDate.fromDate(jsDate)];
} else if (
firstPositionMaximum < 9999 &&
value =>
!defined(value) || (defined(value.indexOf) && value.indexOf("-Q")) === 4
) {
// Is it quarterly data in the format yyyy-Qx ? (Ignoring null values, and failing on any purely numeric values)
dateParsers = function(v) {
var year = v.slice(0, 4);
var quarter = v.slice(6);
var monthString;
if (quarter === "1") {
monthString = "01/01";
} else if (quarter === "2") {
monthString = "04/01";
} else if (quarter === "3") {
monthString = "07/01";
} else if (quarter === "4") {
monthString = "10/01";
} else {
return [undefined, undefined];
var jsDate = new Date(year + "/" + monthString);
return [jsDate, JulianDate.fromDate(jsDate)];
} else if (firstPositionMaximum > 31) {
dateParsers = function(v) {
// If it contains a space, it may be either yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.
if (v.indexOf(" ") > 0 && v.indexOf(":") > 0) {
var jsDate = new Date(replaceHyphensAndConvertTime(v));
return [jsDate, JulianDate.fromDate(jsDate)];
} else {
// Assume it is a properly defined ISO format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
// Note that Safari and some older browsers cannot handle ISO format, hence the need to go via JulianDate.
var julianDate = JulianDate.fromIso8601(v);
return [JulianDate.toDate(julianDate), julianDate]; // It may be better to use jsDate = new Date(replaceHyphensAndConvertTime(v));
} else if (firstPositionMaximum > 12) {
//Int'l javascript format dd-mm-yyyy
dateParsers = function(v) {
var jsDate = new Date(swapDateFormat(v));
return [jsDate, JulianDate.fromDate(jsDate)];
} else {
//USA javascript date format mm-dd-yyyy
dateParsers = function(v) {
var jsDate = new Date(replaceHyphensAndConvertTime(v)); // The T check is overkill for this.
return [jsDate, JulianDate.fromDate(jsDate)];
var results = [];
try {
results = goodValues.map(function(v) {
if (defined(v)) {
const parsed = dateParsers(v);
if (
!isFinite(parsed[0]) ||
!defined(parsed[1]) ||
!isFinite(parsed[1].dayNumber) ||
) {
return [undefined, undefined];
} else {
return parsed;
} else {
return [undefined, undefined];
} catch (err) {
// Repeat one by one so we can display the bad date.
try {
for (var i = 0; i < goodValues.length; i++) {
} catch (err) {
console.log("Unable to parse date:", goodValues[i], err);
// We now have results = [ [jsDate1, julianDate1], [jsDate2, julianDate2], ...] - unzip them and return them.
return {
subtype: subtype,
jsDates: results.map(function(twoDates) {
return twoDates[0];
julianDates: results.map(function(twoDates) {
return twoDates[1];
* Simple check to try to guess date format, based on max value of first position.
* If dates are consistent with US format, it will use US format (mm-dd-yyyy).
* @param {TableColumn} tableColumn The column.
* @return {Object} Object with keys:
* subtype: The identified subtype, or undefined.
* jsDates: The values as javascript dates.
* julianDates: The values as JulianDates.
function convertToDates(tableColumn) {
// Before converting to dates, we ignore values which would be replaced with null or zero.
// Do this by replacing both sorts with null.
var goodValues = replaceValues(
return TableColumn.convertToDates(goodValues, tableColumn.subtype);
// Returns true if all non-blank values could be html tags.
// Test by checking if the first character is <, and it ends with a >, has length at least 5, and it either:
// finishes "/>" (to catch <br/>),
// contains "=" (to catch <img src="foo">), or
// contains another < and >, but not << or >> at the start and end (to catch <div>Foo</div>).
function looksLikeHtmlTags(values) {
for (var i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var value = values[i];
if (value === null) {
if (!defined(value) || !defined(value.indexOf)) {
return false;
if (
value[0] !== "<" ||
value[value.length - 1] !== ">" ||
value.length < 5
) {
return false;
if (value[value.length - 2] === "/") {
if (value.indexOf("=") >= 0) {
var cutValue = value.substr(2, value.length - 4);
if (cutValue.indexOf("<") > 0 && cutValue.indexOf(">") >= 0) {
return false;
return true;
// zip([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) = [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]].
function zip(arrayOfArrays) {
return arrayOfArrays[0].map(function(_, secondIndex) {
return arrayOfArrays.map(function(_, firstIndex) {
return arrayOfArrays[firstIndex][secondIndex];
* Sums the values of a number of TableColumns.
* @param {...TableColumn} The table columns (either a single array or as separate arguments).
* @return {Number[]} Array of values of the sum.
TableColumn.sumValues = function() {
var columns;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
columns = arguments[0];
} else {
columns = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // Gives arguments a map property.
var allValues = columns.map(function(column) {
return column.values;
var transposed = zip(allValues);
return transposed.map(function(rowValues) {
return rowValues.reduce(function(x, y) {
if (x === null && y === null) {
return null;
if (x === null) {
return +y;
if (y === null) {
return +x;
return +x + +y;
* Divides the values of one TableColumns into another, optionally replacing those with denominator zero.
* @param {TableColumn} numerator The column whose values form the numerator.
* @param {TableColumn} denominator The column whose values form the denominator.
* @return {Number[]} Array of values of numerator / denominator.
TableColumn.divideValues = function(numerator, denominator, nanReplace) {
return denominator.values.map(function(denominatorValue, index) {
if (denominatorValue === 0 && defined(nanReplace)) {
return nanReplace;
return +numerator.values[index] / +denominatorValue;
function sortMostCommonFirst(values, uniqueValues) {
var frequencies = values.reduce(function(frequencies, thisValue) {
if (!defined(frequencies[thisValue])) {
frequencies[thisValue] = 1;
} else {
frequencies[thisValue] += 1;
return frequencies;
}, {});
uniqueValues.sort(function(a, b) {
// Sort with most common value first; if two have the same frequency, sort by key order.
return frequencies[b] - frequencies[a] || (a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0);
* Guesses the best variable type based on its name. Returns undefined if no guess.
* @private
* @param {Object[]} hintSet The hint set to use, eg. [{ hint: /^(.*[_ ])?(year)/i, type: VarSubType.YEAR }].
* @param {String} name The variable name, eg. 'Time (AEST)'.
* @param {VarType[]|VarSubType[]} unallowedTypes Types not to consider. Pass [] to consider all types or subtypes.
* @return {VarType|VarSubType} The variable type or subtype, eg. VarType.SCALAR.
function applyHintsToName(hintSet, name, unallowedTypes) {
for (var i in hintSet) {
if (hintSet[i].hint.test(name)) {
var guess = hintSet[i].type;
if (unallowedTypes.indexOf(guess) === -1) {
return guess;
function getFormattedValues(tableColumn) {
if (tableColumn.type === VarType.SCALAR) {
// Use raw values so no replacements are made in the displayed value, eg. "-" stays "-".
return tableColumn._rawValues.map(function(value) {
if (isNaN(value)) {
return value;
return formatNumberForLocale(value, tableColumn.format);
} else if (tableColumn.type === VarType.TIME) {
return tableColumn.dates.map(function(date, index) {
// date is a javascript Date, which will display as eg. Thu Jan 28 2016 15:22:37 GMT+1100 (AEDT).
// If the original string contains a "T", then it is ISO8601 format, and we can format it more nicely.
var value = tableColumn._values[index];
if (
(typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String) &&
value.indexOf("T") >= 0
) {
// If there was no timezone info in the original, remove the timezone info from the output string.
var time = value.split("T")[1];
if (
time.indexOf("+") >= 0 ||
time.indexOf("-") >= 0 ||
time.indexOf("Z") >= 0
) {
return date.toDateString() + " " + date.toTimeString().split(" ")[0];
} else {
return date.toString();
// If it wasn't ISO8601 format with a 'T', then leave it in the original format.
if (defined(value)) {
return value;
return "";
} else {
// For anything else, just replace nulls with ''
return tableColumn._values.map(function(value) {
return value === null ? "" : value;
* Try to determine the best variable type based on the variable name.
* Sets the _type and _subtype properties.
TableColumn.prototype.setTypeAndSubTypeFromName = function() {
var type = applyHintsToName(typeHintSet, this.name, this._unallowedTypes);
if (!defined(type)) {
type = VarType.SCALAR;
if (this._unallowedTypes.indexOf(VarType.SCALAR) >= 0) {
throw new DeveloperError("No suitable variable type found.");
this._type = type;
this._subtype = applyHintsToName(subtypeHintSet, this.name, []);
this._isEndDate = applyHintsToName(endDateHintSet, this.name, []);
* Returns this column as an array, with the name as the first element, eg. ['x', 1, 3, 4].
* @return {Array} The column as an array.
TableColumn.prototype.toArrayWithName = function() {
return [this.name].concat(this.values);
* Destroy the object and release resources. Is this necessary?
TableColumn.prototype.destroy = function() {
return destroyObject(this);
module.exports = TableColumn;