"use strict";
/*global require*/
var clone = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/clone").default;
var defaultValue = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defaultValue").default;
var defined = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined").default;
var DeveloperError = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/DeveloperError")
var Resource = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/Resource").default;
var when = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/when").default;
var inherit = require("../Core/inherit");
var Metadata = require("./Metadata");
var TableCatalogItem = require("./TableCatalogItem");
var TerriaError = require("../Core/TerriaError");
var proxyCatalogItemUrl = require("./proxyCatalogItemUrl");
var readText = require("../Core/readText");
var TableStructure = require("../Map/TableStructure");
var i18next = require("i18next").default;
* A {@link CatalogItem} representing CSV data.
* @alias CsvCatalogItem
* @constructor
* @extends TableCatalogItem
* @param {Terria} terria The Terria instance.
* @param {String} [url] The URL from which to retrieve the CSV data.
* @param {Object} [options] Initial values.
* @param {Boolean} [options.isCsvForCharting] Whether this is solely for charting
* @param {TableStyle} [options.tableStyle] An initial table style can be supplied if desired.
var CsvCatalogItem = function(terria, url, options) {
TableCatalogItem.call(this, terria, url, options);
options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
* Gets or sets the character set of the data, which overrides the file information if present. Default is undefined.
* This property is observable.
* @type {String}
this.charSet = undefined;
* Some catalog items are created from other catalog items.
* Record here so that the user (eg. via "About this Dataset") can reference the source item.
* @type {CatalogItem}
this.sourceCatalogItem = undefined;
this.sourceCatalogItemId = undefined;
this.regenerationOptions = {};
* Options for the value of the animation timeline at start. Valid options in config file are:
* initialTimeSource: "present" // closest to today's date
* initialTimeSource: "start" // start of time range of animation
* initialTimeSource: "end" // end of time range of animation
* initialTimeSource: An ISO8601 date e.g. "2015-08-08" // specified date or nearest if date is outside range
* @type {String}
this.initialTimeSource = undefined;
* Flag to be used for charting, whether this item is generated for the purposes of drawing a chart
* @type {Boolean}
this.isCsvForCharting = defaultValue(options.isCsvForCharting, false);
* A HTML string to show above the chart as a disclaimer
* @type {String}
* @default null
this.chartDisclaimer = defaultValue(options.chartDisclaimer, null);
inherit(TableCatalogItem, CsvCatalogItem);
Object.defineProperties(CsvCatalogItem.prototype, {
* Gets the type of data member represented by this instance.
* @memberOf CsvCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String}
type: {
get: function() {
return "csv";
* Gets a human-readable name for this type of data source, 'CSV'.
* @memberOf CsvCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String}
typeName: {
get: function() {
return i18next.t("models.csv.name");
* Gets the metadata associated with this data source and the server that provided it, if applicable.
* @memberOf CsvCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {Metadata}
metadata: {
//TODO: return metadata if tableDataSource defined
get: function() {
var result = new Metadata();
result.isLoading = false;
result.dataSourceErrorMessage = i18next.t(
result.serviceErrorMessage = i18next.t("models.csv.serviceErrorMessage");
return result;
* Gets the data source associated with this catalog item.
* @memberOf CsvCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {DataSource}
dataSource: {
get: function() {
return this._dataSource;
* Gets the set of names of the properties to be serialized for this object when {@link CatalogMember#serializeToJson} is called
* for a share link.
* @memberOf ImageryLayerCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String[]}
propertiesForSharing: {
get: function() {
return CsvCatalogItem.defaultPropertiesForSharing;
CsvCatalogItem.defaultUpdaters = clone(TableCatalogItem.defaultUpdaters);
CsvCatalogItem.defaultUpdaters.sourceCatalogItem = function() {
// TODO: For now, don't update from JSON. Better to do it via an id?
CsvCatalogItem.defaultSerializers = clone(TableCatalogItem.defaultSerializers);
CsvCatalogItem.defaultSerializers.sourceCatalogItem = function() {
// TODO: For now, don't serialize. Can we do it via an id?
CsvCatalogItem.defaultPropertiesForSharing = clone(
* Loads the TableStructure from a csv file.
* @param {CsvCatalogItem} item Item that tableDataSource is created for
* @param {String} csvString String in csv format.
* @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to true if it is a recognised format.
* @private
function loadTableFromCsv(item, csvString) {
var tableStyle = item._tableStyle;
var options = {
idColumnNames: item.idColumns,
isSampled: item.isSampled,
initialTimeSource: item.initialTimeSource,
displayDuration: tableStyle.displayDuration,
replaceWithNullValues: tableStyle.replaceWithNullValues,
replaceWithZeroValues: tableStyle.replaceWithZeroValues,
columnOptions: tableStyle.columns // may contain per-column replacements for these
var tableStructure = new TableStructure(undefined, options);
return item.initializeFromTableStructure(tableStructure);
* Regenerates a chart from a given itemJson
* @param {Object} itemsJson The items as simple JSON data. The JSON should be in the form of an object literal, not a
* string
* @return {Promise} A promise which resolves to the newly created CsvCatalogItem
CsvCatalogItem.regenerateChartItem = function(itemJson, terria) {
// we have a csv with url so regenerate, reimplements some of `makeNewCatalogItem()` in
// lib/ReactViews/Custom/Chart/ChartExpandAndDownloadButtons.jsx
const newItem = new CsvCatalogItem(terria, itemJson.url, {
tableStyle: itemJson.tableStyle,
isCsvForCharting: true
const group = terria.catalog.chartDataGroup;
newItem.name = itemJson.name;
newItem.id = group.uniqueId + "/" + itemJson.name;
group.isOpen = true;
newItem.isLoading = true;
newItem.isMappable = false;
terria.catalog.addChartableItem(newItem); // Notify the chart panel so it shows "loading".
// if we have sourceCatalogItemId and it's a SOS item, use the tablestructure from that to load
if (itemJson.sourceCatalogItemId) {
const sourceCatalogItem =
newItem.sourceCatalogItem = sourceCatalogItem;
if (
defined(sourceCatalogItem) &&
sourceCatalogItem.type === "sos" &&
defined(itemJson.regenerationOptions) &&
) {
return newItem
.then(() => {
newItem.data = sourceCatalogItem.loadIntoTableStructure(
newItem.isEnabled = true;
.then(() =>
} else {
"Csv regeneration referenced a sourceCatalogItemId that we could not look up"
newItem.isEnabled = true; // This loads it as well.
return newItem
.then(function() {
return newItem.applyTableStyleColumnsToStructure(
* Loads csv data from a URL into a (usually temporary) table structure.
* This is required by Chart.jsx for any non-csv format.
* @param {String} url The URL.
* @return {Promise} A promise which resolves to a table structure.
CsvCatalogItem.prototype.loadIntoTableStructure = function(url) {
const item = this;
const tableStructure = new TableStructure();
// Note item is only used for its 'terria', 'forceProxy' and 'cacheDuration' properties
// (which are all defined on CatalogMember, the base class of CatalogItem).
return loadTextWithMime(proxyCatalogItemUrl(item, url, "0d")).then(
* Every <polling.seconds> seconds, if the csvItem is enabled,
* request data from the polling.url || url, and update/replace this._tableStructure.
CsvCatalogItem.prototype.startPolling = function() {
const polling = this.polling;
if (defined(polling.seconds) && polling.seconds > 0) {
var item = this;
// Initialise polling and timer variables, because they might not be set yet
polling.isPolling = item.isEnabled;
if (!defined(polling.nextScheduledUpdateTime)) {
const tempDate = new Date();
tempDate.setSeconds(new Date().getSeconds() + polling.seconds);
polling.nextScheduledUpdateTime = tempDate;
this._pollTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
if (item.isEnabled) {
polling.isPolling = true;
.loadIntoTableStructure(polling.url || item.url)
.then(function(newTable) {
// Update timestamp
const tempDate = new Date();
tempDate.setSeconds(new Date().getSeconds() + polling.seconds);
polling.nextScheduledUpdateTime = tempDate;
if (
item._tableStructure.hasLatitudeAndLongitude !==
newTable.hasLatitudeAndLongitude ||
item._tableStructure.columns.length !== newTable.columns.length
) {
"The newly polled data is incompatible with the old data."
throw new DeveloperError(
"The newly polled data is incompatible with the old data."
// Maintain active item and colors. Assume same column ordering for now.
item._tableStructure.columns.forEach(function(column, i) {
newTable.columns[i].isActive = column.isActive;
newTable.columns[i].color = column.color;
if (polling.replace) {
item._tableStructure.columns = newTable.columns;
} else {
if (defined(item.idColumns) && item.idColumns.length > 0) {
} else {
// update isPolling - if the item is disabled then we are not polling
polling.isPolling = false;
// Note this means the timer keeps going even when you remove (disable) the item,
// but it doesn't actually request new data any more.
// If the item is re-enabled, the same timer just starts picking it up again.
}, polling.seconds * 1000);
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the load is complete, or undefined if the function is already loaded.
CsvCatalogItem.prototype._load = function() {
var that = this;
const sourceCatalogItem = this.terria.catalog.shareKeyIndex[
const sourceIsSos = sourceCatalogItem && sourceCatalogItem.type === "sos";
const urlToUse = this.url || this.dataUrl;
// For sos sourced charts, we need it to be ready first so we can assign the promise from
// SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem's `loadIntoTableStructure` to data and load it that way
// Otherwise we don't know how to parse the result via loadTableFromCsv
if (!defined(this.data) && sourceIsSos) {
if (defined(this.data)) {
return when(that.data, function(data) {
if (typeof Blob !== "undefined" && data instanceof Blob) {
return readText(data).then(function(text) {
return loadTableFromCsv(that, text);
} else if (typeof data === "string") {
return loadTableFromCsv(that, data);
} else if (data instanceof TableStructure) {
that.applyTableStyleColumnsToStructure(that._tableStyle, data);
return that.initializeFromTableStructure(data);
} else {
throw new TerriaError({
sender: that,
title: i18next.t("models.csv.unexpectedTypeTitle"),
i18next.t("models.csv.unexpectedTypeMessage", {
appName: that.terria.appName
}) +
'<a href="mailto:' +
that.terria.supportEmail +
'">' +
that.terria.supportEmail +
} else if (defined(urlToUse)) {
var overrideMimeType;
if (defined(that.charSet)) {
overrideMimeType = "text/csv; charset=" + that.charSet;
return loadTextWithMime(
proxyCatalogItemUrl(that, urlToUse, "1d"),
.then(function(text) {
return loadTableFromCsv(that, text);
.otherwise(function(e) {
throw new TerriaError({
sender: that,
title: i18next.t("models.csv.unableToLoadTitle"),
message: i18next.t("models.csv.unableToLoadMessage", {
message: e.message || e.response
} else {
throw new TerriaError({
sender: that,
title: i18next.t("models.csv.unableToLoadItemTitle"),
message: i18next.t("models.csv.unableToLoadItemMessage")
* The same as terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/loadText, but with the ability to pass overrideMimeType through to loadWithXhr.
* @private
function loadTextWithMime(url, headers, overrideMimeType) {
return Resource.fetch({
url: url,
headers: headers,
overrideMimeType: overrideMimeType
module.exports = CsvCatalogItem;