"use strict";
/*global require*/
var i18next = require("i18next").default;
var Mustache = require("mustache");
var clone = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/clone").default;
var defaultValue = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defaultValue").default;
var defined = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined").default;
var DeveloperError = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/DeveloperError")
var JulianDate = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/JulianDate").default;
var knockout = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/knockout").default;
var loadWithXhr = require("../Core/loadWithXhr");
var when = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/when").default;
var DisplayVariablesConcept = require("../Map/DisplayVariablesConcept");
var inherit = require("../Core/inherit");
var featureDataToGeoJson = require("../Map/featureDataToGeoJson");
var GeoJsonCatalogItem = require("./GeoJsonCatalogItem");
var overrideProperty = require("../Core/overrideProperty");
var proxyCatalogItemUrl = require("./proxyCatalogItemUrl");
var raiseErrorToUser = require("./raiseErrorToUser");
var TableCatalogItem = require("./TableCatalogItem");
var TableColumn = require("../Map/TableColumn");
var TableStructure = require("../Map/TableStructure");
var TerriaError = require("../Core/TerriaError");
var VariableConcept = require("../Map/VariableConcept");
var xml2json = require("../ThirdParty/xml2json");
* A {@link CatalogItem} representing data obtained from a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) 2.0 server.
* The SOS specifications are available at http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sos .
* This requires a json configuration file which specifies the procedures and observableProperties to show.
* If more than one procedure or observableProperty is provided, the user can choose between the options.
* Note because of this need for configuration, there is no SOS catalog "group" (yet).
* The offerings parameter is not used, and no spatial filters are provided.
* The default soap XML request body can be overridden to handle custom requirements.
* @alias SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem
* @constructor
* @extends TableCatalogItem
* @param {Terria} terria The Terria instance.
* @param {String} [url] The base URL from which to retrieve the data.
var SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem = function(terria, url) {
TableCatalogItem.call(this, terria, url);
this._concepts = [];
this._featureMapping = undefined;
// A bunch of variables used to manage changing the active concepts (procedure and/or observable property),
// so they can handle errors in the result, and so you cannot change active concepts while in the middle of loading observations.
this._previousProcedureIdentifier = undefined;
this._previousObservablePropertyIdentifier = undefined;
this._loadingProcedureIdentifier = undefined;
this._loadingObservablePropertyIdentifier = undefined;
this._revertingConcepts = false;
this._loadingFeatures = false;
// Set during changedActiveItems, so tests can access the promise.
this._observationDataPromise = undefined;
* Gets or sets a flag. If true, the catalog item will load all features, then, if
* number of features < requestSizeLimit * requestNumberLimit, it will load all the observation data
* for those features, and show that.
* If false, or there are too many features, the observation data is only loaded when the feature is clicked on
* (via a chart in the feature info panel).
* Defaults to true.
* @type {Boolean}
this.tryToLoadObservationData = true;
* Gets or sets the maximum number of timeseries to request of the server in a single GetObservation request.
* Servers may have a Response Size Limit, eg. 250.
* Note the number of responses may be different to the number requested,
* eg. the BoM server can return > 1 timeseries/feature identifier, (such as ...stations/41001702),
* so it can be sensible to set this below the response size limit.
* @type {Integer}
this.requestSizeLimit = 200;
* Gets or sets the maximum number of GetObservation requests that we can fire off at a time.
* If the response size limit is 250, and this is 4, then observations for at most 1000 features will load.
* If there are more than 1000 features, they will be shown without observation data, until they are clicked.
* @type {Integer}
this.requestNumberLimit = 3;
* Gets or sets the name seen by the user for the list of procedures.
* Defaults to "Procedure", but eg. for BoM, "Frequency" would be better.
* @type {String}
this.proceduresName = i18next.t("models.sensorObservationService.procedure");
* Gets or sets the name seen by the user for the list of observable properties.
* Defaults to "Property", but eg. for BoM, "Observation type" would be better.
* @type {String}
this.observablePropertiesName = i18next.t(
* Gets or sets the sensor observation service procedures that the user can choose from for this catalog item.
* An array of objects with keys 'identifier', 'title' and (optionally) 'defaultDuration' and 'units', eg.
* [{
* identifier: 'http://bom.gov.au/waterdata/services/tstypes/Pat7_C_B_1_YearlyMean',
* title: 'Annual Mean',
* defaultDuration: '20y' // Final character must be s, h, d or y for seconds, hours, days or years.
* }]
* The identifier is used for communication with the server, and the title is used for display to the user.
* If there is only one object, the user is not presented with a choice.
* @type {Object[]}
this.procedures = undefined;
* Gets or sets the sensor observation service observableProperties that the user can choose from for this catalog item.
* An array of objects with keys 'identifier', 'title' and (optionally) 'defaultDuration' and 'units', eg.
* [{
* identifier: 'http://bom.gov.au/waterdata/services/parameters/Storage Level',
* title: 'Storage Level',
* units: 'metres'
* }]
* The identifier is used for communication with the server, and the title is used for display to the user.
* If there is only one object, the user is not presented with a choice.
* @type {Object[]}
this.observableProperties = undefined;
* Gets or sets the index of the initially selected procedure. Defaults to 0.
* @type {Number}
this.initialProcedureIndex = 0;
* Gets or sets the index of the initially selected observable property. Defaults to 0.
* @type {Number}
this.initialObservablePropertyIndex = 0;
* A start date in ISO8601 format. All requests filter to this start date. Set to undefined for no temporal filter.
* @type {String}
this.startDate = undefined;
* An end date in ISO8601 format. All requests filter to this end date. Set to undefined to use the current date.
* @type {String}
this.endDate = undefined;
* Gets or sets a flag for whether to display all features at all times, when tryToLoadObservationData is True.
* This can help the UX if the server returns some features starting in 1990 and some starting in 1995,
* so that the latter still appear (as grey points with no data) in 1990.
* It works by adding artificial rows to the table for each feature at the start and end of the total date range,
* if not already present.
* Set to false (the default) to only show points when they have data (including invalid data).
* Set to true to display points even at times that the server does not return them.
this.showFeaturesAtAllTimes = false;
* A flag to choose between representing the underlying data as a TableStructure or as GeoJson.
* Geojson representation is not fully implemented - eg. currently only points are supported.
* Set to true for geojson. This can allow for non-point data (once the code is written).
* Set to false (the default) for table structure. This allows all the TableStyle options, and a better legend.
this.representAsGeoJson = false;
* Whether to include the list of procedures in GetFeatureOfInterest calls, so that only locations that support
* those procedures are returned. For some servers (such as BoM's Water Data Online), this causes the request to time out.
* @default true
this.filterByProcedures = true;
* If set, an array of IDs. Only station IDs that match these will be included.
this.stationIdWhitelist = undefined;
* If set, an array of IDs. Only station IDs that don't match these will be included.
this.stationIdBlacklist = undefined;
// Which columns of the tableStructure define a unique feature.
// Use both because sometimes identifier is not unique (!).
this._idColumnNames = ["identifier", "id"];
this._geoJsonItem = undefined;
* Gets or sets the template XML string to POST to the SOS server to query for GetObservation.
* If this property is undefined,
* {@link SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.defaultRequestTemplate} is used.
* This is used as a Mustache template. See SensorObservationServiceRequestTemplate.xml for the default.
* Be careful with newlines inside tags: Mustache can add an extra space in the front of them,
* which causes the request to fail on the SOS server. Eg.
* <wsa:Action>
* http://www.opengis.net/...
* </wsa:Action>
* will render as <wsa:Action> http://www.opengis.net/...</wsa:Action>
* The space before the "http" will cause the request to fail.
* This property is observable.
* @type {String}
this.requestTemplate = undefined;
knockout.track(this, ["_concepts"]);
overrideProperty(this, "concepts", {
get: function() {
return this._concepts;
// See explanation in the comments for TableCatalogItem.
overrideProperty(this, "dataViewId", {
get: function() {
// We need an id that depends on the selected concepts.
if (defined(this.procedures) && defined(this.observableProperties)) {
var procedure = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(
var observableProperty = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(
return [
(procedure && procedure.identifier) || "",
(observableProperty && observableProperty.identifier) || ""
knockout.defineProperty(this, "activeConcepts", {
get: function() {
return this._concepts.map(function(parent) {
return parent.items.filter(function(concept) {
return concept.isActive;
knockout.getObservable(this, "activeConcepts").subscribe(function() {
// If we are in the middle of reverting concepts back to previous values, just ignore.
if (this._revertingConcepts) {
// If we are in the middle of loading the features themselves, a change is fine and will happen with no further intervention.
if (this._loadingFeatures) {
// If either of these names is not available, the user is probably in the middle of a change
// (when for a brief moment either 0 or 2 items are selected). So ignore.
var procedure = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(this, "procedures");
var observableProperty = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(
if (!defined(procedure) || !defined(observableProperty)) {
// If we are loading data (other than the feature data), do not allow a change.
if (this.isLoading) {
var error = new TerriaError({
sender: this,
title: i18next.t("models.sensorObservationService.alreadyLoadingTitle"),
message: i18next.t(
raiseErrorToUser(this.terria, error);
} else {
}, this);
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.defaultRequestTemplate = require("./SensorObservationServiceRequestTemplate.xml");
inherit(TableCatalogItem, SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem);
Object.defineProperties(SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype, {
* Gets the type of data member represented by this instance.
* @memberOf SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String}
type: {
get: function() {
return "sos";
* Gets a human-readable name for this type of data source, 'GPX'.
* @memberOf SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String}
typeName: {
get: function() {
return i18next.t("models.sensorObservationService.sos");
* Gets the set of names of the properties to be serialized for this object for a share link.
* @memberOf ImageryLayerCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String[]}
propertiesForSharing: {
get: function() {
return SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.defaultPropertiesForSharing;
* Gets the set of functions used to serialize individual properties in {@link CatalogMember#serializeToJson}.
* When a property name on the model matches the name of a property in the serializers object lieral,
* the value will be called as a function and passed a reference to the model, a reference to the destination
* JSON object literal, and the name of the property.
* @memberOf SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {Object}
serializers: {
get: function() {
return SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers;
* Gets the data source associated with this catalog item. Might be a TableDataSource or a GeoJsonDataSource.
* @memberOf SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {DataSource}
dataSource: {
get: function() {
if (defined(this._geoJsonItem)) {
return this._geoJsonItem.dataSource;
} else if (defined(this._dataSource)) {
return this._dataSource;
return undefined;
* Gets or sets the default set of properties that are serialized when serializing a {@link CatalogItem}-derived for a
* share link.
* @type {String[]}
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.defaultPropertiesForSharing = clone(
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers = clone(
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers.activeConcepts = function() {
// Don't serialize.
// Just the items that would influence the load from the abs server or the file
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype._getValuesThatInfluenceLoad = function() {
return [this.url];
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype._load = function() {
var that = this;
if (!that.url) {
return undefined;
that._loadingFeatures = true;
that._concepts = buildConcepts(that);
return loadFeaturesOfInterest(that)
.then(function() {
that._loadingFeatures = false;
return loadObservationData(that);
.otherwise(function(e) {
throw e;
function loadSoapBody(item, templateContext) {
var postDataTemplate = defaultValue(
const xml = Mustache.render(postDataTemplate, templateContext);
return loadWithXhr({
url: proxyCatalogItemUrl(item, item.url, "0d"),
responseType: "document",
method: "POST",
overrideMimeType: "text/xml",
data: xml,
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/soap+xml" }
}).then(function(xml) {
if (!defined(xml)) {
var json = xml2json(xml);
if (json.Exception) {
var errorMessage = i18next.t(
if (json.Exception.ExceptionText) {
errorMessage = i18next.t(
{ exceptionText: json.Exception.ExceptionText }
throw new TerriaError({
sender: item,
title: item.name,
message: errorMessage
if (!defined(json.Body)) {
throw new TerriaError({
sender: item,
title: item.name,
message: i18next.t("models.sensorObservationService.missingBody")
return json.Body;
* Return the Mustache template context "temporalFilters" for this item.
* If a "defaultDuration" parameter (eg. 60d or 12h) exists on either
* procedure or observableProperty, restrict to that duration from item.endDate.
* @param {SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem} item This catalog item.
* @param {Object} [procedure] An element from the item.procedures array.
* @param {Object} [observableProperty] An element from the item.observableProperties array.
* @return {Object[]} An array of {index, startDate, endDate}, or undefined.
function getTemporalFiltersContext(item, procedure, observableProperty) {
var defaultDuration =
(procedure && procedure.defaultDuration) ||
(observableProperty && observableProperty.defaultDuration);
// If the item has no endDate, use the current datetime (to nearest second).
var endDateIso8601 =
item.endDate || JulianDate.toIso8601(JulianDate.now(), 0);
if (defined(defaultDuration)) {
var startDateIso8601 = addDurationToIso8601(
"-" + defaultDuration
// This is just a string-based comparison, so timezones could make it up to 1 day wrong.
// That much error is fine here.
if (startDateIso8601 < item.startDate) {
startDateIso8601 = item.startDate;
return [{ index: 1, startDate: startDateIso8601, endDate: endDateIso8601 }];
} else {
// If there is no procedure- or property-specific duration, use the item's start and end dates, if any.
if (item.startDate) {
return [{ index: 1, startDate: item.startDate, endDate: endDateIso8601 }];
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept = function(
) {
if (item[conceptIdAndItemKey].length === 1) {
return item[conceptIdAndItemKey][0];
} else {
var parentConcept = item._concepts.filter(
concept => concept.id === conceptIdAndItemKey
var activeConceptIndices = parentConcept.items.filter(
concept => concept.isActive
if (activeConceptIndices.length === 1) {
var identifier = activeConceptIndices[0].id;
var matches = item[conceptIdAndItemKey].filter(
element => element.identifier === identifier
return matches[0];
function getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(item, conceptIdAndItemKey) {
return SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(
function getConceptIndexOfIdentifier(item, conceptIdAndItemKey, identifier) {
if (item[conceptIdAndItemKey].length === 1) {
return 0;
} else {
var parentConcept = item._concepts.filter(
concept => concept.id === conceptIdAndItemKey
return parentConcept.items.map(concept => concept.id).indexOf(identifier);
function observationResponsesToTableStructure(
) {
// Iterate over all the points in all the time series in all the observations in all the bodies to get individual result rows.
function extractValues(response) {
var observationData =
response.GetObservationResponse &&
if (defined(observationData)) {
if (!Array.isArray(observationData)) {
observationData = [observationData];
var observations = observationData.map(o => o.OM_Observation);
observations.forEach(observation => {
if (!defined(observation)) {
var points = observation.result.MeasurementTimeseries.point;
if (!defined(points)) {
if (!Array.isArray(points)) {
points = [points];
var measurements = points.map(point => point.MeasurementTVP); // TVP = Time value pairs, I think.
// var procedureTitle = defined(observation.procedure) ? observation.procedure['xlink:title'] : 'value';
// var featureName = observation.featureOfInterest['xlink:title'];
var featureIdentifier = observation.featureOfInterest["xlink:href"];
...measurements.map(measurement =>
typeof measurement.time === "object" ? null : measurement.time
...measurements.map(measurement =>
typeof measurement.value === "object"
? null
: parseFloat(measurement.value)
// These 5 arrays constitute columns in the table, some of which (like this one) have the same
// value in each row.
featureValues.push(...measurements.map(_ => featureIdentifier));
procedureValues.push(...measurements.map(_ => procedure.identifier));
...measurements.map(_ => observableProperty.identifier)
var dateValues = [],
valueValues = [],
featureValues = [],
procedureValues = [],
observedPropertyValues = [];
// extract columns from response
// Now turn all the columns of dates, values etc into a single table structure
var observationTableStructure = new TableStructure("observations");
var columnOptions = { tableStructure: observationTableStructure };
var timeColumn = new TableColumn("date", dateValues, columnOptions);
var units = observableProperty.units || procedure.units;
var valueTitle =
observableProperty.title +
" " +
procedure.title +
(defined(units) ? " (" + units + ")" : "");
var valueColumn = new TableColumn(valueTitle, valueValues, columnOptions);
valueColumn.id = "value";
valueColumn.units = units;
var featureColumn = new TableColumn(
); // featureColumn.id must be 'identifier', used as an idColumn.
var procedureColumn = new TableColumn(
var observedPropertyColumn = new TableColumn(
observationTableStructure.columns = [
return observationTableStructure;
* Returns a promise to a table structure of sensor observation data, given one/multiple featureOfInterest identifiers.
* Uses the currently active concepts to determine the procedure and observedProperty filter.
* Then batches GetObservation requests to actually fetch the values for that procedure and property at that site(s).
* This is required by Chart.jsx for any non-csv format (which passes the chart's source url as the sole argument.)
* @param {String|String[]} featureOfInterestIdentifiers The featureOfInterest identifier, or array thereof.
* @param {Object} options Object with the following properties:
* @param {Object} [options.procedure] An object overriding the selected procedure, for instance from chart generated items being regenerated.
* @return {Promise} A promise which resolves to a TableStructure.
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype.loadIntoTableStructure = function(
options = {}
) {
var item = this;
if (!Array.isArray(featureOfInterestIdentifiers)) {
featureOfInterestIdentifiers = [featureOfInterestIdentifiers];
var requestNumber = 0;
var requests = [];
var procedure = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(item, "procedures");
if (defined(options.procedure)) {
procedure = options.procedure;
var observableProperty = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(
// If either of these names is not available, the user is probably in the middle of a change
// (when for a brief moment either 0 or 2 items are selected). So ignore.
if (
!defined(procedure.identifier) ||
) {
return when();
for (
var startFeatureNumber = 0;
startFeatureNumber < featureOfInterestIdentifiers.length;
startFeatureNumber += this.requestSizeLimit
) {
var theseFeatureIdentifiers = featureOfInterestIdentifiers.slice(
startFeatureNumber + this.requestSizeLimit
var paramArray = convertObjectToNameValueArray({
procedure: procedure.identifier,
observedProperty: observableProperty.identifier,
featureOfInterest: theseFeatureIdentifiers // eg. 'http://bom.gov.au/waterdata/services/stations/425022'
const templateContext = {
action: "GetObservation",
actionClass: "core",
parameters: paramArray,
temporalFilters: getTemporalFiltersContext(
requests.push(loadSoapBody(item, templateContext));
if (requestNumber >= this.requestNumberLimit) {
// Could improve UX by showing features as they are returned. For now, wait until we have them all.
return when
.then(responses =>
.otherwise(function(e) {
// Improve the error reporting in the case that the error response is XML like this:
// <ExceptionReport>
// <Exception exceptionCode="ResponseExceedsSizeLimit">
// <ExceptionText>The search terms matched more than 250 timeseries in the datasource...
if (!defined(e.message) && defined(e.response)) {
var json = xml2json(e.response);
throw new TerriaError({
sender: item,
title: json.Exception && json.Exception.exceptionCode,
message: json.Exception && json.Exception.ExceptionText
throw e;
// It's OK to override TableCatalogItem's enable, disable, because for lat/lon tables, they don't do anything.
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype._enable = function() {
if (defined(this._geoJsonItem)) {
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype._disable = function() {
if (defined(this._geoJsonItem)) {
// However show and hide need to become a combination of both the geojson and the lat/lon table catalog item versions.
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype._show = function() {
if (defined(this._geoJsonItem)) {
} else if (defined(this._dataSource)) {
var dataSources = this.terria.dataSources;
if (dataSources.contains(this._dataSource)) {
if (console && console.log) {
console.log(new Error("This data source is already shown."));
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype._hide = function() {
if (defined(this._geoJsonItem)) {
} else if (defined(this._dataSource)) {
var dataSources = this.terria.dataSources;
if (!dataSources.contains(this._dataSource)) {
throw new DeveloperError("This data source is not shown.");
dataSources.remove(this._dataSource, false);
SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem.prototype.showOnSeparateMap = function(
) {
if (defined(this._geoJsonItem)) {
return this._geoJsonItem.showOnSeparateMap(globeOrMap);
} else {
return TableCatalogItem.prototype.showOnSeparateMap.bind(this)(globeOrMap);
* Performs the GetFeatureOfInterest request to obtain the locations of sources of data that match the required
* observed properties and procedures.
* @param {SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem} item
* @return Promise for the request.
function loadFeaturesOfInterest(item) {
const filter = {
observedProperty: item.observableProperties.map(
observable => observable.identifier
) // eg. 'http://bom.gov.au/waterdata/services/parameters/Storage Level'
if (item.filterByProcedures) {
filter.procedure = item.procedures.map(procedure => procedure.identifier); // eg. 'http://bom.gov.au/waterdata/services/tstypes/Pat7_C_B_1_YearlyMean',
const templateContext = {
action: "GetFeatureOfInterest",
actionClass: "foiRetrieval",
parameters: convertObjectToNameValueArray(filter)
return loadSoapBody(item, templateContext)
.then(function(body) {
var featuresResponse = body.GetFeatureOfInterestResponse;
// var locations = featuresResponse.featureMember.map(x=>x.MonitoringPoint.shape.Point.pos.text);
if (!featuresResponse) {
throw new TerriaError({
sender: item,
title: item.name,
message: i18next.t("models.sensorObservationService.noFeatures")
if (!defined(featuresResponse.featureMember)) {
throw new TerriaError({
sender: item,
title: item.name,
message: i18next.t("models.sensorObservationService.unknownFormat")
var featureMembers = featuresResponse.featureMember;
if (!Array.isArray(featureMembers)) {
featureMembers = [featureMembers];
if (item.stationIdWhitelist) {
featureMembers = featureMembers.filter(
m =>
m.MonitoringPoint &&
) >= 0
if (item.stationIdBlacklist) {
featureMembers = featureMembers.filter(
m =>
m.MonitoringPoint &&
) >= 0
if (item.representAsGeoJson) {
item._geoJsonItem = createGeoJsonItemFromFeatureMembers(
return item._geoJsonItem.load().then(function() {
item.rectangle = item._geoJsonItem.rectangle;
} else {
item._featureMapping = createMappingFromFeatureMembers(featureMembers);
.otherwise(function(e) {
throw e;
* Given the features already loaded into item._featureMap, this loads the observations according to the user-selected concepts,
* and puts them into item._tableStructure.
* If there are too many features, fall back to a tableStructure without the observation data.
* @param {SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem} item This catalog item.
* @return {Promise} A promise which, when it resolves, sets item._tableStructure.
* @private
function loadObservationData(item) {
if (!item._featureMapping) {
var featuresOfInterest = Object.keys(item._featureMapping);
// Are there too many features to load observations (or we've been asked not to try)?
if (
!item.tryToLoadObservationData ||
featuresOfInterest.length > item.requestSizeLimit * item.requestNumberLimit
) {
// MODE 1. Do not load observation data for the features.
// Just show where the features are, and when the feature info panel is opened, then load the feature's observation data
// (via the 'chart' column in _tableStructure, which generates a call to item.loadIntoTableStructure).
var tableStructure = item._tableStructure;
if (!defined(tableStructure)) {
tableStructure = new TableStructure(item.name);
var columns = createColumnsFromMapping(item, tableStructure);
tableStructure.columns = columns;
if (!defined(item._tableStructure)) {
item._tableStyle.dataVariable = null; // Turn off the legend and give all the points a single colour.
} else {
item._tableStructure.columns = tableStructure.columns;
return when();
// MODE 2. Create a big time-varying tableStructure with all the observations for all the features.
// In this mode, the feature info panel shows a chart through as a standard time-series, like it would for any time-varying csv.
return item
.then(function(observationTableStructure) {
if (
!defined(observationTableStructure) ||
observationTableStructure.columns[0].values.length === 0
) {
throw new TerriaError({
sender: item,
title: item.name,
message: i18next.t(
// Add the extra columns from the mapping into the table.
var identifiers = observationTableStructure.getColumnWithName(
var newColumns = createColumnsFromMapping(
observationTableStructure.activeTimeColumnNameIdOrIndex = undefined;
observationTableStructure.columns = observationTableStructure.columns.concat(
observationTableStructure.idColumnNames = item._idColumnNames;
if (item.showFeaturesAtAllTimes) {
// Set finalEndJulianDate so that adding new null-valued feature rows doesn't mess with the final date calculations.
// To do this, we need to set the active time column, so that finishJulianDates is calculated.
var finishDates = observationTableStructure.finishJulianDates.map(d =>
// I thought we'd need to unset the time column, because we're about to change the columns again, and there can be interactions
// - but it works without unsetting it.
// observationTableStructure.setActiveTimeColumn(undefined);
observationTableStructure.finalEndJulianDate = JulianDate.fromDate(
new Date(Math.max.apply(null, finishDates))
observationTableStructure.columns = observationTableStructure.getColumnsWithFeatureRowsAtStartAndEndDates(
if (!defined(item._tableStructure)) {
observationTableStructure.name = item.name;
} else {
// Moving this isActive statement earlier stops all points appearing on the map/globe.
column => column.id === "value"
)[0].isActive = true;
item._tableStructure.columns = observationTableStructure.columns; // TODO: doesn't do anything.
// Force the timeline (terria.clock) to update by toggling "isShown" (see CatalogItem's isShownChanged).
if (item.isShown) {
item.isShown = false;
item.isShown = true;
// Changing the columns triggers a knockout change of the TableDataSource that uses this table.
* Returns an array of procedure and/or observableProperty concepts,
* and sets item._previousProcedureIdentifier and _previousObservablePropertyIdentifier.
* @private
function buildConcepts(item) {
var concepts = [];
if (!defined(item.procedures) || !defined(item.observableProperties)) {
throw new DeveloperError(
"Both `procedures` and `observableProperties` arrays must be defined on the catalog item."
if (item.procedures.length > 1) {
var concept = new DisplayVariablesConcept(item.proceduresName);
concept.id = "procedures"; // must match the key of item['procedures']
concept.requireSomeActive = true;
concept.items = item.procedures.map((value, index) => {
return new VariableConcept(value.title || value.identifier, {
parent: concept,
id: value.identifier, // used in the SOS request to identify the procedure.
active: index === item.initialProcedureIndex
item._previousProcedureIdentifier =
item._loadingProcedureIdentifier =
if (item.observableProperties.length > 1) {
concept = new DisplayVariablesConcept(item.observablePropertiesName);
concept.id = "observableProperties";
concept.requireSomeActive = true;
concept.items = item.observableProperties.map((value, index) => {
return new VariableConcept(value.title || value.identifier, {
parent: concept,
id: value.identifier, // used in the SOS request to identify the procedure.
active: index === item.initialObservablePropertyIndex
item._previousObservablePropertyIdentifier =
item._loadingObservablePropertyIdentifier =
return concepts;
function getChartTagFromFeatureIdentifier(identifier, chartId) {
// Including a chart id which depends on the frequency serves an important purpose: it means that something about the chart has changed,
// which tells the FeatureInfoSection React component to re-render.
// The feature's definitionChanged event triggers when the feature's properties change, but if this chart tag doesn't change,
// React does not know to re-render the chart.
if (defined(chartId)) {
chartId = ' id="' + encodeURIComponent(chartId) + '"';
} else {
chartId = "";
return (
'<chart src="' +
identifier +
'" can-download="false"' +
chartId +
* Converts the featureMembers into a mapping from identifier to its lat/lon and other info.
* @param {Object[]} featureMembers An array of feature members as returned by GetFeatureOfInterest in body.GetFeatureOfInterestResponse.featuresResponse.featureMember.
* @return {Object} Keys = identifier, values = {lat, lon, name, id, identifier, type, chart}.
* @private
function createMappingFromFeatureMembers(featureMembers) {
var mapping = {};
featureMembers.forEach(member => {
var shape = member.MonitoringPoint.shape;
if (defined(shape.Point)) {
var posString = shape.Point.pos;
if (defined(posString.split)) {
// Sometimes shape.Point.pos is actually an object, eg. {srsName: "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326"}
var coords = posString.split(" ");
if (coords.length === 2) {
var identifier = member.MonitoringPoint.identifier.toString();
mapping[identifier] = {
lat: coords[0],
lon: coords[1],
name: member.MonitoringPoint.name,
id: member.MonitoringPoint["gml:id"],
identifier: identifier,
member.MonitoringPoint.type &&
return mapping[identifier];
} else {
throw new DeveloperError(
"Non-point feature not shown. You may want to implement `representAsGeoJson`. " +
return mapping;
* Converts the featureMapping output by createMappingFromFeatureMembers into columns for a TableStructure.
* @param {SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem} item This catalog item.
* @param {TableStructure} [tableStructure] Used to set the columns' tableStructure (parent). If identifiers given, output columns line up with them.
* @param {String[]} identifiers An array of identifier values from tableStructure. Defaults to all available identifiers.
* @return {TableColumn[]} An array of columns to add to observationTableStructure. Only include 'identifier' and 'chart' columns if no identifiers provided.
* @private
function createColumnsFromMapping(item, tableStructure, identifiers) {
var featureMapping = item._featureMapping;
var addChartColumn = !defined(identifiers);
if (!defined(identifiers)) {
identifiers = Object.keys(featureMapping);
var rows = identifiers.map(identifier => featureMapping[identifier]);
var columnOptions = { tableStructure: tableStructure };
var chartColumnOptions = { tableStructure: tableStructure, id: "chart" }; // So the chart column can be referred to in the FeatureInfoTemplate as 'chart'.
var result = [
new TableColumn("type", rows.map(row => row.type), columnOptions),
new TableColumn("name", rows.map(row => row.name), columnOptions),
new TableColumn("id", rows.map(row => row.id), columnOptions),
new TableColumn("lat", rows.map(row => row.lat), columnOptions),
new TableColumn("lon", rows.map(row => row.lon), columnOptions)
if (addChartColumn) {
var procedure = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(item, "procedures");
var observableProperty = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(
var chartName = procedure.title || observableProperty.title || "chart";
var chartId = procedure.title + "_" + observableProperty.title;
var charts = rows.map(row =>
getChartTagFromFeatureIdentifier(row.identifier, chartId)
new TableColumn(
rows.map(row => row.identifier),
new TableColumn(chartName, charts, chartColumnOptions)
return result;
function createGeoJsonItemFromFeatureMembers(item, featureMembers) {
var geojson = {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: featureMembers
.map(member => {
var shape = member.MonitoringPoint.shape;
var geometry;
if (defined(shape.Point)) {
var posString = shape.Point.pos;
if (defined(posString.split)) {
// Sometimes shape.Point.pos is actually an object, eg. {srsName: "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326"}
var coords = posString.split(" ");
if (coords.length === 2) {
geometry = {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [coords[1], coords[0]]
} else {
throw new DeveloperError(
"Feature shape type not implemented. " + JSON.stringify(shape)
return {
type: "Feature",
geometry: geometry,
properties: {
name: member.MonitoringPoint.name,
id: member.MonitoringPoint["gml:id"],
identifier: member.MonitoringPoint.identifier.toString(),
member.MonitoringPoint.type &&
.filter(geojson => defined(geojson.geometry))
var geoJsonItem = new GeoJsonCatalogItem(item.terria);
geoJsonItem.data = featureDataToGeoJson(geojson);
geoJsonItem.style = item.style; // For the future...
return geoJsonItem;
Load the description of a sensor. In practice, it doesn't really contain anything useful.
// function loadDescription(item) {
// return querySos(item, {
// request: 'DescribeSensor',
// procedure: item.procedure,
// procedureDescriptionFormat: 'http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1'
// }).then(function(sensorml) {
// //var description = sensormljson.description.SensorDescription.data.SensorML.member;
// console.log('Sensor description: ', sensorml);
// });
// }
Want to get more information about a location?
new urijs('http://www.bom.gov.au/waterdata/services').setQuery({service:'SOS',version:'2.0',request:'GetFeatureOfInterest',featureOfInterest:'http://bom.gov.au/waterdata/services/stations/401229'});
Point location buried in featureMember -> MonitoringPoint -> shape -> Point
Warning: some IDs don't have locations (ie http://bom.gov.au/waterdata/services/stations/system)
function revertConceptsToPrevious(
) {
var parentConcept;
item._revertingConcepts = true;
// Use the flag above to signify that we do not want to trigger a reload.
if (defined(previousProcedureIdentifier)) {
parentConcept = item._concepts.filter(
concept => concept.id === "procedures"
// Toggle the old value on again (unless it is already on). This auto-toggles-off the new value.
var old =
parentConcept &&
concept =>
!concept.isActive && concept.id === previousProcedureIdentifier
if (defined(old)) {
if (defined(previousObservablePropertyIdentifier)) {
parentConcept = item._concepts.filter(
concept => concept.id === "observableProperties"
old =
parentConcept &&
concept =>
!concept.isActive &&
concept.id === previousObservablePropertyIdentifier
if (defined(old)) {
item._revertingConcepts = false;
function changedActiveItems(item) {
// If either of these names is not available, the user is probably in the middle of a change
// (when for a brief moment either 0 or 2 items are selected). So ignore.
var procedure = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(item, "procedures");
var observableProperty = getObjectCorrespondingToSelectedConcept(
if (!defined(procedure) || !defined(observableProperty)) {
item.isLoading = true;
item._loadingProcedureIdentifier = procedure.identifier;
item._loadingObservablePropertyIdentifier = observableProperty.identifier;
item._observationDataPromise = loadObservationData(item)
.then(function() {
item.isLoading = false;
// Save the current values of these concepts so we can fall back to them if there's an error moving to a new set.
item._previousProcedureIdentifier = procedure.identifier;
item._previousObservablePropertyIdentifier =
// And save them for sharing.
item.initialProcedureIndex = getConceptIndexOfIdentifier(
item.initialObservablePropertyIndex = getConceptIndexOfIdentifier(
.otherwise(function(e) {
item.isLoading = false;
raiseErrorToUser(item.terria, e);
* Converts parameters {x: 'y'} into an array of {name: 'x', value: 'y'} objects.
* Converts {x: [1, 2, ...]} into multiple objects:
* {name: 'x', value: 1}, {name: 'x', value: 2}, ...
* @param {Object} parameters eg. {a: 3, b: [6, 8]}
* @return {Object[]} eg. [{name: 'a', value: 3}, {name: 'b', value: 6}, {name: 'b', value: 8}]
* @private
function convertObjectToNameValueArray(parameters) {
return Object.keys(parameters).reduce((result, key) => {
var values = parameters[key];
if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
values = [values];
return result.concat(
values.map(value => {
return {
name: key,
value: value
}, []);
var scratchJulianDate = new JulianDate();
* Adds a period to an iso8601-formatted date.
* Periods must be (positive or negative) numbers followed by a letter:
* s (seconds), h (hours), d (days), y (years).
* To avoid confusion between minutes and months, do not use m.
* @param {String} dateIso8601 The date in ISO8601 format.
* @param {String} durationString The duration string, in the format described.
* @return {String} A date string in ISO8601 format.
* @private
function addDurationToIso8601(dateIso8601, durationString) {
if (!defined(dateIso8601) || dateIso8601.length < 3) {
throw new DeveloperError("Bad date " + dateIso8601);
var duration = parseFloat(durationString);
if (isNaN(duration) || duration === 0) {
throw new DeveloperError("Bad duration " + durationString);
var julianDate = JulianDate.fromIso8601(dateIso8601, scratchJulianDate);
var units = durationString.slice(durationString.length - 1);
if (units === "s") {
julianDate = JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, duration, scratchJulianDate);
} else if (units === "h") {
julianDate = JulianDate.addHours(julianDate, duration, scratchJulianDate);
} else if (units === "d") {
// Use addHours on 24 * numdays - on my casual reading of addDays, it needs an integer.
julianDate = JulianDate.addHours(
duration * 24,
} else if (units === "y") {
var days = Math.round(duration * 365);
julianDate = JulianDate.addDays(julianDate, days, scratchJulianDate);
} else {
throw new DeveloperError(
'Unknown duration type "' + durationString + '" (use s, h, d or y)'
return JulianDate.toIso8601(julianDate);
// var URI = require('urijs');
// var loadText = require('terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/loadText');
// function querySos(sosGroup, options) {
// var url = new URI(sosGroup.url)
// .query({ service: 'SOS', version: '2.0' })
// .addQuery(options)
// .toString();
// return loadText(proxyCatalogItemUrl(sosGroup, url, '0d'))
// .then(xml2json);
// }
// /**
// * Retrieve list of all "offerings" of this service.
// * Eg. http://www.bom.gov.au/waterdata/services?service=SOS&version=2.0&request=GetCapabilities
// * @private
// */
// function loadCapabilities(item) {
// // Possible enhancement: we could look for features like GetRequest which is a CSV output:
// // http://sensiasoft.net:8181/sensorhub/sos?service=SOS&version=2.0&request=GetResult&offering=urn:mysos:offering03&observedProperty=http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/Weather&temporalFilter=phenomenonTime,2015-10-15T16:34:00Z/2015-10-15T17:34:00Z
// //
// // "Offerings" are various pre-defined aggregations of data along different dimensions and with different filters.
// // We don't necessarily want to expose them all to the end user. Also, they don't have nice IDs.
// return querySos(item, {
// request: 'GetCapabilities'
// }).then(function(capabilities) {
// console.log('GetCapabilities:', capabilities);
// var offerings = capabilities.contents.Contents.offering.map(o => o.ObservationOffering);
// if (!Array.isArray(offerings)) {
// offerings = [offerings];
// }
// var observableProperties = capabilities.contents.Contents.observableProperty;
// if (!Array.isArray(observableProperties)) {
// observableProperties = [observableProperties];
// }
// console.log('offerings', offerings);
// console.log('observableProperties', observableProperties);
// return {
// offerings: offerings,
// observableProperties: observableProperties
// };
// });
// }
module.exports = SensorObservationServiceCatalogItem;