
"use strict";

/*global require*/
var defaultValue = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defaultValue").default;
var defined = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined").default;

var ColorMap = require("../Map/ColorMap");
var serializeToJson = require("../Core/serializeToJson");
var updateFromJson = require("../Core/updateFromJson");

 * A set of properties that define how a table column should be displayed.
 * If not set explicitly, many of these properties will be given default or guessed values elsewhere,
 * such as in CsvCatalogItem.
 * @alias TableColumnStyle
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} [options] The values of the properties of the new instance.
 * @param {Float} [options.minDisplayValue] All data values less than or equal to this are considered equal for the purpose of display.
 * @param {Float} [options.yAxisMin] Minimum y value to display in charts; if not specified, minimum data value will be used.
 * @param {Float} [options.yAxisMax] Maximum y value to display in charts; if not specified, maximum data value will be used.
 * @param {Float} [options.maxDisplayValue] All data values reater than or equal to this are considered equal for the purpose of display.
 * @param {Float} [options.displayDuration] Display duration for each row in the table, in minutes. If not provided, this is estimated from the data.
 * @param {Array} [options.replaceWithZeroValues] Values to replace with zero, eg. ['-', null] will replace '-' and empty values with 0.
 * @param {Array} [options.replaceWithNullValues] Values to replace with null, eg. ['na', 'NA'] will replace these values with null.
 * @param {String} [options.nullColor] The css string for the color with which to display null values.
 * @param {String} [options.nullLabel] The legend label for null values.
 * @param {Float} [options.scale] The size of each point or billboard.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.scaleByValue] Should points and billboards representing each feature be scaled by the size of their data variable?
 * @param {Boolean} [options.clampDisplayValue] Display values that fall outside the display range as min and max colors.
 * @param {String} [options.imageUrl] A string representing an image to display at each point, for lat-long datasets.
 * @param {Object} [options.featureInfoFields] An object of { "myCol": "My column" } properties, defining which columns get displayed in feature info boxes
 *                 and what label is used instead of the column's actual name.
 * @param {String} [options.chartLineColor] Override color for column for charts.
 * @param {Integer|Number[]} [options.colorBins] Either the number of discrete colours that a color gradient should be quantised into (ie. an integer), or
 *                 an array of values specifying the boundaries between the color bins.
 * @param {String} [options.colorBinMethod] The method for quantising colors: "auto" (default), "ckmeans", "quantile" or "none" (equivalent to colorBins: 0).
 * @param {String|Array} [options.colorMap] Gets or sets a string or {@link ColorMap} array, specifying how to map values to colors.  Setting this property sets
 *                 colorPalette to undefined.  If this property is a string, it specifies a list of CSS colors separated by hyphens (-),
 *                 and the colors are evenly spaced over the range of values.  For example, "red-white-hsl(240,50%,50%)".
 * @param {String} [options.colorPalette] Gets or sets the [ColorBrewer]( palette to use when mapping values to colors.  Setting this
 *                 property sets colorMap to undefined.  This property is ignored if colorMap is defined.
 * @param {Integer} [options.legendTicks] How many horizontal ticks to draw on the generated color ramp legend, not counting the top or bottom.
 * @param {String} [] Display name for this column.
 * @param {String} [options.legendName] Display name for this column to use for the legend (defaults to the column name).
 * @param {String|Number} [options.type] The variable type of this column. Should be one of the keys of VarType (case-insensitive), eg. 'ENUM', 'SCALAR', 'TIME'.
 * @param {String} [options.units] Display units for this column. Currently only displayed in charts.
 * @param {Boolean} [] Is this column active?
var TableColumnStyle = function(options) {
  options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);

   * All data values less than or equal to this are considered equal for the purpose of display.
   * @type {Float}
  this.minDisplayValue = options.minDisplayValue;

   * Minimum y value to display in charts; if not specified, minimum data value will be used.
   * @type {Float}
  this.yAxisMin = options.yAxisMin;

   * Maximum y value to display in charts; if not specified, maximum data value will be used.
   * @type {Float}
  this.yAxisMax = options.yAxisMax;

   * All data values greater than or equal to this are considered equal for the purpose of display.
   * @type {Float}
  this.maxDisplayValue = options.maxDisplayValue;

   * Display duration for each row in the table, in minutes. If not provided, this is estimated from the data.
   * @type {Float}
  this.displayDuration = options.displayDuration;

   * Values to replace with zero, eg. ['-', null].
   * @type {Array}
  this.replaceWithZeroValues = options.replaceWithZeroValues;

   * Values to replace with null, eg. ['na', 'NA'].
   * @type {Array}
  this.replaceWithNullValues = options.replaceWithNullValues;

   * The css string for the color with which to display null values.
   * @type {String}
  this.nullColor = options.nullColor;

   * The legend label for null values.
   * @type {String}
  this.nullLabel = options.nullLabel;

   * The size of each point or billboard.
   * @type {Float}
  this.scale = options.scale;

   * Should points and billboards representing each feature be scaled by the size of their data variable?
   * @type {Boolean}
  this.scaleByValue = options.scaleByValue;

   * Display values that fall outside the display range as min and max colors.
   * @type {Boolean}
  this.clampDisplayValue = options.clampDisplayValue;

   * A string representing an image to display at each point, for lat-long datasets.
   * @type {String}
  this.imageUrl = options.imageUrl;

   * An object of { "myCol": "My column" } properties, defining which columns get displayed in feature info boxes
   * (when clicked on), and what label is used instead of the column's actual name.
   * @type {Object}
  this.featureInfoFields = options.featureInfoFields;

   * Color for column (css string)
   * @type {String}
  this.chartLineColor = options.chartLineColor;

   * Either the number of discrete colours that a color gradient should be quantised into (ie. an integer), or
   * an array of values specifying the boundaries between the color bins.
   * @type {Integer|Number[]}
  this.colorBins = options.colorBins;

   * The method for quantising colors:
   *  * For numeric columns: "auto" (default), "ckmeans", "quantile" or "none" (equivalent to colorBins: 0).
   *  * For enumerated columns: "auto" (default), "top", or "cycle"
   * @type {String}
  this.colorBinMethod = defaultValue(options.colorBinMethod, "auto");

   * Gets or sets a string or {@link ColorMap} array, specifying how to map values to colors.  Setting this property sets
   * {@link TableColumnStyle#colorPalette} to undefined.  If this property is a string, it specifies a list of CSS colors separated by hyphens (-),
   * and the colors are evenly spaced over the range of values.  For example, "red-white-hsl(240,50%,50%)".
   * @memberOf TableColumnStyle.prototype
   * @type {String|Array}
   * @see TableColumnStyle#colorPalette
  if (defined(options.colorMap)) {
    this.colorMap = new ColorMap(options.colorMap);
  } else {
    this.colorMap = undefined;

   * Gets or sets the [ColorBrewer]( palette to use when mapping values to colors.  Setting this
   * property sets {@link TableColumnStyle#colorMap} to undefined.  This property is ignored if {@link TableColumnStyle#colorMap} is defined.
   * @memberOf TableColumnStyle.prototype
   * @type {String}
   * @see  TableColumnStyle#colorMap
  this.colorPalette = options.colorPalette; // Only need this here so that updateFromJson sees colorPalette as a property.
  if (defined(options.colorPalette)) {
    // Note the promise created here is lost.
    var that = this;
    ColorMap.loadFromPalette(this.colorPalette).then(function(colorMap) {
      that.colorMap = colorMap;

   * How many horizontal ticks to draw on the generated color ramp legend, not counting the top or bottom.
   * @type {Integer}
  this.legendTicks = defaultValue(options.legendTicks, 3);

   * Display name for this column.
   * @type {String}
   */ =;

   * Display name for the legend for this column (defaults to the column name).
   * @type {String}
  this.legendName = options.legendName;

   * The variable type of this column.
   * Converts strings, which are case-insensitive keys of VarType, to numbers. See TableStructure for further information.
   * @type {String|Number}
  this.type = options.type;

   * The units of this column.
   * @type {String}
  this.units = options.units;

   * Is this column active?
   * @type {Boolean}
   */ =;

   * A format string for this column. For numbers, this is passed as options to toLocaleString.
   * See .
   * @type {String|Number}
  this.format = options.format;

// When colorMap is updated, we need to convert it to a colorMap.
// When colorPalette is updated, we need to update colorMap.
TableColumnStyle.prototype.updaters = {
  colorMap: function(tableColumnStyle, json, propertyName) {
    tableColumnStyle.colorMap = new ColorMap(json[propertyName]);
  colorPalette: function(tableColumnStyle, json, propertyName) {
    return ColorMap.loadFromPalette(json[propertyName]).then(function(
    ) {
      tableColumnStyle.colorMap = colorMap;

TableColumnStyle.prototype.serializers = {
  colorMap: function(tableColumnStyle, json, propertyName) {
    // Only serialize colorMap if there is no colorPalette.
    if (!defined(tableColumnStyle.colorPalette)) {
      json[propertyName] = tableColumnStyle[propertyName];

TableColumnStyle.prototype.updateFromJson = function(json, options) {
  return updateFromJson(this, json, options);

TableColumnStyle.prototype.serializeToJson = function(options) {
  return serializeToJson(this, undefined, options);

module.exports = TableColumnStyle;