"use strict";
/*global require*/
var clone = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/clone").default;
var defaultValue = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defaultValue").default;
var defined = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined").default;
var when = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/when").default;
var inherit = require("../Core/inherit");
var TableColumnStyle = require("./TableColumnStyle");
var updateFromJson = require("../Core/updateFromJson");
* A set of properties that define how a table, such as a CSV file, should be displayed.
* If not set explicitly, many of these properties will be given default or guessed values elsewhere,
* such as in CsvCatalogItem.
* @alias TableStyle
* @constructor
* @extends TableColumnStyle
* @param {Object} [options] The values of the properties of the new instance. Options may include all those options found in TableColumnStyle, plus:
* @param {String} [options.regionVariable] The name of the variable (column) to be used for region mapping.
* @param {String} [options.regionType] The identifier of a region type, as used by RegionProviderList.
* @param {String} [options.dataVariable] The name of the default variable (column) containing data to be used for scaling and coloring.
* @param {String|Integer|null} [options.timeColumn] The column name or index to use as the time column. Defaults to the first one found.
* Pass null for none. Pass an array of two, eg. [0, 1], to provide both start and end date columns.
* @param {String|Integer} [options.xAxis] The column name or index to use as the x-axis, if charted. Defaults to the first one found.
* @param {Object} [options.columns] Column-specific styling, with the format { columnIdentifier1: tableColumnStyle1, columnIdentifier2: tableColumnStyle2, ... },
* where columnIdentifier is either the name or the column index (zero-based).
var TableStyle = function(options) {
options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
TableColumnStyle.call(this, options);
* The name of the variable (column) to be used for region mapping.
* @type {String}
this.regionVariable = options.regionVariable;
* The identifier of a region type, as used by RegionProviderList.
* @type {String}
this.regionType = options.regionType;
* The name of the default variable (column) containing data to be used for scaling and coloring.
* @type {String}
this.dataVariable = options.dataVariable;
* Whether all variables have been unselected
* @type {String}
this.allVariablesUnactive = options.allVariablesUnactive;
* The column name or index to use as the time column. Defaults to the first one found. Pass null for none.
* Pass an array of two, eg. [0, 1], to provide both start and end date columns.
* @type {String|Integer|String[]|Integer[]|null}
this.timeColumn = options.timeColumn;
* The column name or index to use as the time column. Defaults to the first one found. Pass null for none.
* Pass an array of two, eg. [0, 1], to provide both start and end date columns.
* @type {String|Integer}
this.xAxis = options.xAxis;
* Column-specific styling, with the format { columnIdentifier1: tableColumnStyle1, columnIdentifier2: tableColumnStyle2, ... },
* where columnIdentifier is either the name or the column index (zero-based).
* @type {Object}
this.columns = objectToTableColumnStyle(options, []); // If any promises are created (thanks to colorPalette), they are lost here.
inherit(TableColumnStyle, TableStyle);
// When columns is updated via json, turn it into TableColumnStyle objects.
// Do this in updateFromJson so we can keep track of the promises required by the colorPalette option.
// This also has the advantage of not using the TableColumnStyle constructor to set the properties, which causes problems with colorPalette too.
TableStyle.prototype.updateFromJson = function(json, options) {
var promises = [updateFromJson(this, json, options)];
this.columns = objectToTableColumnStyle(json, promises, options);
return when.all(promises);
TableStyle.prototype.updaters = clone(TableStyle.prototype.updaters);
// Disable the 'columns' updaters, so we do not update columns here; do it directly in the updateFromJson function.
// Why? TableColumnStyle's colorPalette actually returns a promise. The updaters can't handle a promise, but updateFromJson can.
TableStyle.prototype.updaters["columns"] = function(
) {};
function objectToTableColumnStyle(json, promises, options) {
if (defined(json.columns)) {
var columns = {};
for (var propertyName in json.columns) {
if (json.columns.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
columns[propertyName] = new TableColumnStyle();
var thisPromise = columns[propertyName].updateFromJson(
if (defined(thisPromise)) {
return columns;
module.exports = TableStyle;