"use strict";
/*global require*/
var URI = require("urijs");
import "./i18n.js";
var buildModuleUrl = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/buildModuleUrl")
var CesiumEvent = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/Event").default;
var combine = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/combine").default;
var DataSourceCollection = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/DataSources/DataSourceCollection")
var defaultValue = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defaultValue").default;
var defined = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined").default;
var DeveloperError = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/DeveloperError")
var ImagerySplitDirection = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Scene/ImagerySplitDirection")
var knockout = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/knockout").default;
var queryToObject = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/queryToObject")
var Rectangle = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/Rectangle").default;
var when = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/when").default;
var { addMarker } = require("./LocationMarkerUtils.js");
var CameraView = require("./CameraView");
var Catalog = require("./Catalog");
var Clock = require("./Clock");
var ConsoleAnalytics = require("../Core/ConsoleAnalytics");
var CorsProxy = require("../Core/CorsProxy");
var Feature = require("./Feature");
var GoogleAnalytics = require("../Core/GoogleAnalytics");
var hashEntity = require("../Core/hashEntity");
var isCommonMobilePlatform = require("../Core/isCommonMobilePlatform");
var loadJson5 = require("../Core/loadJson5");
var NoViewer = require("./NoViewer");
var NowViewing = require("./NowViewing");
var runLater = require("../Core/runLater");
var ServerConfig = require("../Core/ServerConfig");
var Services = require("./Services");
var TimeSeriesStack = require("./TimeSeriesStack");
var ViewerMode = require("./ViewerMode");
var findIndex = require("../Core/findIndex.js");
var i18next = require("i18next").default;
var overrides = require("../Overrides/defaults.jsx").overrides;
var defaultConfigParameters = {
defaultMaximumShownFeatureInfos: 100,
/* These services are not included within Terria, but this is where we expect them to be, by default. */
regionMappingDefinitionsUrl: "build/TerriaJS/data/regionMapping.json",
conversionServiceBaseUrl: "convert/",
proj4ServiceBaseUrl: "proj4/",
corsProxyBaseUrl: "proxy/",
proxyableDomainsUrl: "proxyabledomains/",
shareUrl: "share",
feedbackUrl: undefined,
initFragmentPaths: ["init/"],
storyEnabled: true,
interceptBrowserPrint: true,
useCesiumIonTerrain: true,
useCesiumIonBingImagery: undefined,
cesiumIonAccessToken: undefined,
cesiumTerrainUrl: undefined
// These properties can be directly passed in as properties of an init source.
var directInitSourceProperties = [
* The overall model for TerriaJS.
* @alias Terria
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options Object with the following properties:
* @param {String} options.baseUrl The base directory in which TerriaJS can find its static assets.
* @param {String} [options.cesiumBaseUrl='(options.baseUrl)/build/Cesium/build/'] The base directory in which Cesium can find its static assets.
* @param {String} [options.appName] The name of the app.
* @param {String} [options.supportEmail] The support email for the app.
* @param {AddressGeocoder} [options.batchGeocoder] Geocoder to use for geocoding addresses in CSV files.
var Terria = function(options) {
if (!defined(options) || !defined(options.baseUrl)) {
throw new DeveloperError("options.baseUrl is required.");
options.functionOverrides = defined(options.functionOverrides)
? options.functionOverrides
: {};
this.overrides = combine(options.functionOverrides, overrides);
this.baseUrl = defaultValue(options.baseUrl, "build/TerriaJS/");
if (this.baseUrl.lastIndexOf("/") !== this.baseUrl.length - 1) {
this.baseUrl += "/";
var cesiumBaseUrl = defaultValue(
this.baseUrl + "build/Cesium/build/"
if (cesiumBaseUrl.lastIndexOf("/") !== cesiumBaseUrl.length - 1) {
cesiumBaseUrl += "/";
this.cesiumBaseUrl = cesiumBaseUrl;
* Gets or sets the instance to which to report Google Analytics-style log events.
* If a global `ga` function is defined, this defaults to `GoogleAnalytics`. Otherwise, it defaults
* to `ConsoleAnalytics`.
* @type {ConsoleAnalytics|GoogleAnalytics}
this.analytics = options.analytics;
if (!defined(this.analytics)) {
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && defined(window.ga)) {
this.analytics = new GoogleAnalytics();
} else {
this.analytics = new ConsoleAnalytics();
* The name of the app to be built upon Terria. This will appear in error messages to the user.
* @type {String}
* @default "TerriaJS App"
this.appName = defaultValue(options.appName, "TerriaJS App");
* The support email for the app to be built upon Terria. This will appear in error messages to the user.
* @type {String}
* @default "support@terria.io"
this.supportEmail = defaultValue(options.supportEmail, "support@terria.io");
* Indicates whether time-dynamic layers should start animating immediately upon load.
* If false, the user will need to press play manually before the layer starts animating.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.autoPlay = false;
* The geocoder to use for batch geocoding addresses in CSV files.
* @type {AddressGeocoder}
this.batchGeocoder = options.batchGeocoder;
* An event that is raised when a user-facing error occurs. This is especially useful for errors that happen asynchronously and so
* cannot be raised as an exception because no one would be able to catch it. Subscribers are passed the {@link TerriaError}
* that occurred as the only function parameter.
* @type {CesiumEvent}
this.error = new CesiumEvent();
* Gets or sets the map mode.
* @type {ViewerMode}
this.viewerMode = defaultValue(options.viewerMode, ViewerMode.CesiumTerrain);
* Gets or sets the current base map.
* @type {ImageryLayerCatalogItem}
this.baseMap = undefined;
* Gets or sets the current fog settings, used in the Cesium Scene/Fog constructor.
* @type {Object}
this.fogSettings = undefined;
* Gets or sets the name of the base map to use.
* @type {String}
this.baseMapName = undefined;
* Gets or sets a color that contrasts well with the base map.
* @type {String}
this.baseMapContrastColor = "#ffffff";
* Gets or sets the event that is raised just before switching between Cesium and Leaflet.
* @type {Event}
this.beforeViewerChanged = new CesiumEvent();
* Gets or sets the event that is raised just after switching between Cesium and Leaflet.
* @type {Event}
this.afterViewerChanged = new CesiumEvent();
* Gets or sets the collection of Cesium-style data sources that are currently active on the map.
* @type {DataSourceCollection}
this.dataSources = new DataSourceCollection();
* Gets or sets the clock that controls how time-varying data items are displayed.
* @type {Clock}
this.clock = new Clock({
shouldAnimate: false
this.timeSeriesStack = new TimeSeriesStack(this.clock);
// See the intialView property below.
this._initialView = undefined;
* Gets or sets the camera's home view. The home view is the one that the application
* returns to when the user clicks the "Reset View" button in the Navigation widget. It is also used
* as the {@link Terria#initialView} if one is not specified.
* @type {CameraView}
this.homeView = new CameraView(Rectangle.MAX_VALUE);
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application should automatically zoom to the new view when
* the {@link Terria#initialView} (or {@link Terria#homeView} if no initial view is specified).
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.zoomWhenInitialViewChanges = true;
* Gets or sets the {@link this.corsProxy} used to determine if a URL needs to be proxied and to proxy it if necessary.
* @type {CorsProxy}
this.corsProxy = new CorsProxy();
* Gets or sets properties related to the Cesium globe. If the application is in 2D mode, this property will be
* undefined and {@link Terria#leaflet} will be set.
* @type {Cesium}
this.cesium = undefined;
* Gets or sets properties related to the Leaflet map. If the application is in 3D mode, this property will be
* undefined and {@link Terria#cesium} will be set.
* @type {Leaflet}
this.leaflet = undefined;
this._noViewer = new NoViewer(this);
* Gets or sets a reference to the current viewer, which is a subclass of {@link Terria#globeOrMap} -
* typically {@link Terria#cesium} or {@link Terria#leaflet}.
* This property is observable.
* @type {Cesium|Leaflet|NoViewer}
this.currentViewer = this._noViewer;
* Gets or sets the collection of user properties. User properties
* can be set by specifying them in the hash portion of the URL. For example, if the application URL is
* `http://localhost:3001/#foo=bar&someproperty=true`, this object will contain a property named 'foo' with the
* value 'bar' and a property named 'someproperty' with the value 'true'. Currently recognised URL parameters include
* 'map=[2D,3D]' (choose the Leaflet or Cesium view) and `mode=preview` (suppress warnings, when used as an embedded
* previewer).
* @type {Object}
this.userProperties = {};
* Gets or sets the list of sources from which the catalog was populated. A source may be a string, in which case it
* is expected to be a URL of an init file (like init_nm.json), or it can be a JSON-style object literal which is
* the init content itself.
* @type {Array}
this.initSources = [];
* Gets or sets the data source that represents the location marker.
* @type {CustomDataSource}
this.locationMarker = undefined;
* Gets or sets the features that are currently picked.
* @type {PickedFeatures}
this.pickedFeatures = undefined;
* Gets or sets whether to make feature info requests when points are clicked.
* @type {Boolean}
this.allowFeatureInfoRequests = true;
* Gets or sets the stack of map interactions modes. The mode at the top of the stack
* (highest index) handles click interactions with the map
* @type {MapInteractionMode[]}
this.mapInteractionModeStack = [];
* Gets or sets the catalog of geospatial data.
* @type {Catalog}
this.catalog = new Catalog(this);
* Gets or sets the add-on services known to the application.
* @type {Services}
this.services = new Services(this);
* Gets or sets the collection of geospatial data that is currently enabled.
* @type {NowViewing}
this.nowViewing = new NowViewing(this);
* Gets or sets the currently-selected feature, or undefined if there is no selected feature. The selected
* feature is highlighted by drawing a targetting cursor around it.
* @type {Entity}
this.selectedFeature = undefined;
* Gets or sets the configuration parameters set at startup.
* Contains:
* * regionMappingDefinitionsUrl: URL of JSON file containing region mapping definitions
* * conversionServiceBaseUrl: URL of OGR2OGR conversion service
* * proj4ServiceBaseUrl: URL of proj4def lookup service
* * corsProxyBaseUrl: URL of CORS proxy
* @type {Object}
this.configParameters = defaultConfigParameters;
* Gets or sets the urlShorter to be used with terria. This is currently set in the start method
* to allow the urlShortener object to properly initialize. See the GoogleUrlShortener for an
* example urlShortener.
* @type {Object}
this.urlShortener = undefined;
* Gets or sets the shareDataService to be used with Terria, which can save JSON or (in future) other user-provided
* data somewhere. It can be used to generate short URLs.
* @type {Object}
this.shareDataService = undefined;
* Gets or sets the ServerConfig object representing server-side configuration.
* @type {Object}
this.serverConfig = undefined;
* Event that tracks changes to the progress in loading new tiles from either Cesium or Leaflet - events will be
* raised with the number of tiles that still need to load.
* @type {CesiumEvent}
this.tileLoadProgressEvent = new CesiumEvent();
this.disclaimerListener = function(catalogMember, callback) {
window.alert(catalogMember.initialMessage.content); /*eslint no-alert: 0*/
* Gets or sets the selectBox function - set true when user requires a rectangle parameter from analytics.
* @type {Boolean}
this.selectBox = false;
* Gets or sets a callback function that can modify any "start data" (e.g. a share URL) before it is loaded.
* The function is passed the start data and may modify it in place or return a new instance.
* @type {Function}
this.filterStartDataCallback = undefined;
* Gets or sets whether to show a splitter, if possible. Default false. This property is observable.
* @type {Boolean}
this.showSplitter = false;
* Gets or sets whether to toggle viewState's sharedFromExplorerPanel after loading start data. Default false.
* @type {Boolean}
this.sharedFromExplorerPanel = false;
* Gets or sets id of previewed item
* @type {string}
this.previewedItemId = undefined;
* Gets or sets the current position of the splitter (if {@link Terria#showSplitter} is true) as a fraction of the map window.
* 0.0 is on the left, 0.5 is in the center, and 1.0 is on the right. This property is observable.
this.splitPosition = 0.5;
* Gets or sets the current vertical position of the splitter (if {@link Terria#showSplitter} is true) as a fraction of the map window.
* 0.0 is on the top, 0.5 is in the center, and 1.0 is on the bottom. This property is observable.
this.splitPositionVertical = 0.5;
* Array of stories
this.stories = [];
* Base ratio for maximumScreenSpaceError
* @type {Integer}
this.baseMaximumScreenSpaceError = 2;
* Gets or sets whether to use the device's native resolution (sets cesium.viewer.resolutionScale to a ratio of devicePixelRatio)
* @type {Boolean}
this.useNativeResolution = false;
* Gets or sets whether we should initiate the satellite guidance, based on
* whether a time wms exists in NowViewing
* @type {Boolean}
this.shouldStartSatelliteGuidance = false;
knockout.track(this, [
* Gets or sets the camera's initial view. This is the view that the application has at startup. If this property
* is not explicitly specified, the {@link Terria#homeView} is used.
* @type {CameraView}
knockout.defineProperty(this, "initialView", {
get: function() {
if (this._initialView) {
return this._initialView;
} else {
return this.homeView;
set: function(value) {
this._initialView = value;
knockout.getObservable(this, "initialView").subscribe(function() {
if (this.zoomWhenInitialViewChanges && defined(this.currentViewer)) {
this.currentViewer.zoomTo(this.initialView, 2.0);
}, this);
var myEventAdd = window.attachEvent || window.addEventListener;
var myEventRemove = window.detachEvent || window.removeEventListener;
var chkevent = window.attachEvent ? "onbeforeunload" : "beforeunload"; // make IE7, IE8 compitable
this.handleWindowClose = function(e) {
var confirmationMessage = "Are you sure to leave the page?";
(e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage;
return confirmationMessage;
knockout.getObservable(this, "stories").subscribe(function() {
if (this.stories.length > 0) {
myEventAdd(chkevent, this.handleWindowClose);
// window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.handleWindowClose);
} else {
myEventRemove(chkevent, this.handleWindowClose);
//window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", this.handleWindowClose);
}, this);
* Starts up Terria.
* @param {Object} options Object with the following properties:
* @param {String} [options.applicationUrl] The URL of the application. Typically this is obtained from window.location. This URL, if
* supplied, is parsed for startup parameters.
* @param {String} [options.configUrl='config.json'] The URL of the file containing configuration information, such as the list of domains to proxy.
* @param {UrlShortener} [options.urlShortener] The URL shortener to use to expand short URLs. If this property is undefined, short URLs will not be expanded.
* @param {Boolean} [options.persistViewerMode] Whether to use the ViewerMode stored in localStorage if avaliable (this takes priority over other ViewerMode options). If not specified the stored ViewerMode will be used.
Terria.prototype.start = function(options) {
function slashify(url) {
return url && url[url.length - 1] !== "/" ? url + "/" : url;
this.catalog.isLoading = true;
var applicationUrl = defaultValue(options.applicationUrl, "");
this.urlShortener = options.urlShortener;
this.shareDataService = options.shareDataService;
var that = this;
return loadJson5(options.configUrl).then(function(config) {
if (defined(config.parameters)) {
// allow config file to provide TerriaJS-Server URLs to facilitate purely static deployments relying on external services
that.configParameters = combine(config.parameters, that.configParameters);
var cp = that.configParameters;
cp.conversionServiceBaseUrl = slashify(cp.conversionServiceBaseUrl);
cp.proj4ServiceBaseUrl = slashify(cp.proj4ServiceBaseUrl);
cp.corsProxyBaseUrl = slashify(cp.corsProxyBaseUrl);
that.appName = defaultValue(
defaultValue(options.appName, that.appName)
that.supportEmail = defaultValue(
defaultValue(options.supportEmail, that.supportEmail)
if (defined(cp.autoPlay)) that.autoPlay = cp.autoPlay;
defined(applicationUrl.href) ? applicationUrl.href : "empty"
var initializationUrls = config.initializationUrls;
if (defined(initializationUrls)) {
for (var i = 0; i < initializationUrls.length; i++) {
that.serverConfig = new ServerConfig();
let serverConfig;
return that.serverConfig
.then(function() {
// All the "proxyableDomains" bits here are due to a pre-serverConfig mechanism for whitelisting domains.
// We should deprecate it.
var pdu = that.configParameters.proxyableDomainsUrl;
if (pdu) {
return loadJson5(pdu);
.then(function(proxyableDomains) {
if (proxyableDomains) {
// format of proxyableDomains JSON file slightly differs from serverConfig format.
proxyableDomains.allowProxyFor =
proxyableDomains.allowProxyFor || proxyableDomains.proxyableDomains;
if (typeof that.serverConfig === "object") {
serverConfig = that.serverConfig.config; // if server config is unavailable, this remains undefined.
if (that.shareDataService) {
proxyableDomains || serverConfig,
.otherwise(function(e) {
// There's no particular reason an error should be thrown here.
title: i18next.t("models.terria.initErrorTitle"),
message: i18next.t("models.terria.initErrorMessage")
.then(function() {
return that.updateApplicationUrl(applicationUrl, that.urlShortener);
.then(function() {
var persistViewerMode = defaultValue(options.persistViewerMode, true);
if (persistViewerMode && defined(that.getLocalProperty("viewermode"))) {
that.viewerMode = parseInt(that.getLocalProperty("viewermode"), 10);
} else {
// If we are running on a mobile platform set the viewerMode to the config specified default mobile viewer mode.
if (isCommonMobilePlatform() && !defined(that.userProperties.map)) {
// This is the default viewerMode to use if the configuration parameter is not set or is not set correctly.
that.viewerMode = ViewerMode.Leaflet;
if (
defined(that.configParameters.mobileDefaultViewerMode) &&
typeof that.configParameters.mobileDefaultViewerMode === "string"
) {
const mobileDefault = that.configParameters.mobileDefaultViewerMode.toLowerCase();
if (mobileDefault === "3dterrain") {
that.viewerMode = ViewerMode.CesiumTerrain;
} else if (mobileDefault === "3dsmooth") {
that.viewerMode = ViewerMode.CesiumEllipsoid;
} else if (mobileDefault === "2d") {
that.viewerMode = ViewerMode.Leaflet;
if (options.defaultTo2D && !defined(that.userProperties.map)) {
that.viewerMode = ViewerMode.Leaflet;
that.catalog.isLoading = false;
.otherwise(function(e) {
console.error("Error from updateApplicationUrl: ", e);
title: i18next.t("models.terria.urlLoadErrorTitle"),
message: i18next.t("models.terria.urlLoadErrorMessage")
* Updates the state of the application based on the hash portion of a URL.
* @param {String} newUrl The new URL of the application.
* @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when any new init sources specified in the URL have been loaded.
Terria.prototype.updateApplicationUrl = function(newUrl) {
var uri = new URI(newUrl);
var hash = uri.fragment();
var hashProperties = queryToObject(hash);
var initSources = this.initSources.slice();
var promise = interpretHash(
var that = this;
return when(promise).then(function() {
var desiredMode = (that.userProperties.map || "").toLowerCase();
if (desiredMode === "2d") {
that.viewerMode = ViewerMode.Leaflet;
} else if (desiredMode === "3d") {
that.viewerMode = ViewerMode.CesiumTerrain;
} else if (desiredMode === "3dsmooth") {
that.viewerMode = ViewerMode.CesiumEllipsoid;
return loadInitSources(that, initSources);
Terria.prototype.updateFromStartData = function(startData) {
var initSources = this.initSources.slice();
interpretStartData(this, startData, this.initSources, initSources);
return loadInitSources(this, initSources);
* Gets the value of a user property. If the property doesn't exist, it is created as an observable property with the
* value undefined. This way, if it becomes defined in the future, anyone depending on the value will be notified.
* @param {String} propertyName The name of the user property for which to get the value.
* @return {Object} The value of the property, or undefined if the property does not exist.
Terria.prototype.getUserProperty = function(propertyName) {
if (!knockout.getObservable(this.userProperties, propertyName)) {
this.userProperties[propertyName] = undefined;
knockout.track(this.userProperties, [propertyName]);
return this.userProperties[propertyName];
Terria.prototype.addInitSource = function(initSource, fromStory = false) {
var promise = when();
var that = this;
var viewerChangeListener;
function zoomToInitialView() {
that.currentViewer.zoomTo(that.initialView, 0.0);
if (defined(viewerChangeListener)) {
// Extract the list of CORS-ready domains.
if (defined(initSource.corsDomains)) {
// The last init source to specify an initial/home camera view wins.
if (defined(initSource.homeCamera)) {
this.homeView = CameraView.fromJson(initSource.homeCamera);
if (defined(initSource.initialCamera)) {
this.initialView = CameraView.fromJson(initSource.initialCamera);
// Extract the init source properties that require no deserialization.
directInitSourceProperties.forEach(function(propertyName) {
// a special case for basemap
if (propertyName === "baseMapName" && defined(initSource[propertyName])) {
// if basemap name is not set, we check terria.basemap to see if the
// same basemap is already active
if (
defined(that.baseMap) &&
that.baseMap.name === initSource[propertyName]
) {
if (
defined(initSource[propertyName]) &&
initSource[propertyName] !== that[propertyName]
) {
that[propertyName] = initSource[propertyName];
if (defined(initSource.sharedFromExplorerPanel)) {
if (initSource.sharedFromExplorerPanel) {
that.sharedFromExplorerPanel = true;
if (defined(initSource.previewedItemId)) {
that.previewedItemId = initSource.previewedItemId;
if (defined(initSource.showSplitter)) {
// If you try to show the splitter straight away, the browser hangs.
runLater(function() {
that.showSplitter = initSource.showSplitter;
if (fromStory === true) {
viewerChangeListener = this.afterViewerChanged.addEventListener(
if (defined(initSource.viewerMode) && !defined(this.userProperties.map)) {
var desiredMode = (initSource.viewerMode || "").toLowerCase();
if (desiredMode === "2d") {
if (fromStory && this.viewerMode === ViewerMode.Leaflet) {
this.viewerMode = ViewerMode.Leaflet;
} else if (desiredMode === "3d") {
if (fromStory && this.viewerMode === ViewerMode.CesiumTerrain) {
this.viewerMode = ViewerMode.CesiumTerrain;
} else if (desiredMode === "3dsmooth") {
if (fromStory && this.viewerMode === ViewerMode.CesiumEllipsoid) {
this.viewerMode = ViewerMode.CesiumEllipsoid;
if (!defined(initSource.timeline) && defined(initSource.currentTime)) {
// If the time is supplied we want to freeze the display at the specified time and not auto playing.
this.autoPlay = false;
const time = initSource.currentTime;
this.clock.currentTime.dayNumber = parseInt(time.dayNumber, 10);
this.clock.currentTime.secondsOfDay = parseInt(time.secondsOfDay, 10);
if (defined(initSource.timeline)) {
this.clock.shouldAnimate = initSource.timeline.shouldAnimate;
this.clock.multiplier = initSource.timeline.multiplier;
const time = initSource.timeline.currentTime;
this.clock.currentTime.dayNumber = parseInt(time.dayNumber, 10);
this.clock.currentTime.secondsOfDay = parseInt(time.secondsOfDay, 10);
// Populate the list of services.
if (defined(initSource.services)) {
this.services.services.push.apply(this.services, initSource.services);
// Populate the catalog
if (defined(initSource.catalog)) {
var isUserSupplied = !initSource.isFromExternalFile;
promise = promise.then(
this.catalog.updateFromJson.bind(this.catalog, initSource.catalog, {
isUserSupplied: isUserSupplied
if (defined(initSource.sharedCatalogMembers)) {
promise = promise.then(
if (defined(initSource.locationMarker)) {
var marker = {
name: initSource.locationMarker.name,
location: {
latitude: initSource.locationMarker.latitude,
longitude: initSource.locationMarker.longitude
addMarker(this, marker);
if (defined(initSource.pickedFeatures)) {
promise.then(function() {
var removeViewLoadedListener;
var loadPickedFeatures = function() {
if (defined(removeViewLoadedListener)) {
var vectorFeatures;
var featureIndex = {};
var initSourceEntities = initSource.pickedFeatures.entities;
if (initSourceEntities) {
// Build index of terria features by a hash of their properties.
var relevantItems = that.nowViewing.items.filter(function(item) {
return (
item.isEnabled &&
item.isShown &&
defined(item.dataSource) &&
relevantItems.forEach(function(item) {
(item.dataSource.entities.values || []).forEach(function(entity) {
var hash = hashEntity(entity, that.clock);
var feature = Feature.fromEntityCollectionOrEntity(entity);
featureIndex[hash] = featureIndex[hash]
? featureIndex[hash].concat([feature])
: [feature];
// Go through the features we've got from terria match them up to the id/name info we got from the
// share link, filtering out any without a match.
vectorFeatures = initSourceEntities
.map(function(initSourceEntity) {
var matches = defaultValue(
).filter(function(match) {
return match.name === initSourceEntity.name;
return matches.length && matches[0];
.filter(function(feature) {
return defined(feature);
that.pickedFeatures.allFeaturesAvailablePromise.then(function() {
that.pickedFeatures.features.forEach(function(entity) {
var hash = hashEntity(entity, that.clock);
var feature = entity;
featureIndex[hash] = featureIndex[hash]
? featureIndex[hash].concat([feature])
: [feature];
if (defined(initSource.pickedFeatures.current)) {
var selectedFeatureMatches = defaultValue(
).filter(function(feature) {
return feature.name === initSource.pickedFeatures.current.name;
that.selectedFeature =
selectedFeatureMatches.length && selectedFeatureMatches[0];
if (that.currentViewer !== that._noViewer) {
} else {
removeViewLoadedListener = that.afterViewerChanged.addEventListener(
return promise;
Terria.prototype.getLocalProperty = function(key) {
try {
if (!defined(window.localStorage)) {
return undefined;
} catch (e) {
// SecurityError can arise if 3rd party cookies are blocked in Chrome and we're served in an iFrame
return undefined;
var v = window.localStorage.getItem(this.appName + "." + key);
if (v === "true") {
return true;
} else if (v === "false") {
return false;
return v;
Terria.prototype.setLocalProperty = function(key, value) {
try {
if (!defined(window.localStorage)) {
return undefined;
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
window.localStorage.setItem(this.appName + "." + key, value);
return true;
* Returns the side of the splitter the `position` lies on.
* @param {(Cartesian2|Cartesian3)} The screen position.
* @return {ImagerySplitDirection} The side of the splitter on which `position` lies.
Terria.prototype.getSplitterSideForScreenPosition = function(position) {
var splitterX =
this.currentViewer.getContainer().clientWidth * this.splitPosition;
if (position.x <= splitterX) {
return ImagerySplitDirection.LEFT;
} else {
return ImagerySplitDirection.RIGHT;
* Returns the side of the splitter the `position` lies on.
* @param {(Cartesian2|Cartesian3)} The screen position.
* @return {ImagerySplitDirection} The side of the splitter on which `position` lies.
Terria.prototype.checkNowViewingForTimeWms = function() {
const hasTimeWms =
this.nowViewing &&
this.nowViewing.items.reduce((acc, item) => {
if (acc) return true;
try {
return (
item.type === "wms" &&
defined(item.clock) &&
defined(item.availableDates) &&
item.availableDates.length !== 0
} catch {
return false;
}, false);
if (hasTimeWms) {
this.shouldStartSatelliteGuidance = true;
return hasTimeWms;
var latestStartVersion = "0.0.05";
function interpretHash(
) {
var promise;
// #share=xyz . Resolve with either share data service or URL shortener.
if (defined(hashProperties.share)) {
if (defined(terria.shareDataService)) {
// get JSON directly
promise = terria.shareDataService.resolveData(hashProperties.share);
} else if (defined(terria.urlShortener)) {
promise = terria.urlShortener
// get URL, and extract the JSON part
.then(longUrl => longUrl && queryToObject(new URI(longUrl).fragment()));
return when(promise, function(shareProps) {
Object.keys(hashProperties).forEach(function(property) {
var propertyValue = hashProperties[property];
if (property === "clean") {
persistentInitSources.length = 0;
temporaryInitSources.length = 0;
} else if (property === "start") {
// a share link that hasn't been shortened: JSON embedded in URL (only works for small quantities of JSON)
var startData = JSON.parse(propertyValue);
} else if (defined(propertyValue) && propertyValue.length > 0) {
userProperties[property] = propertyValue;
knockout.track(userProperties, [property]);
} else {
var initSourceFile = generateInitializationUrl(property);
if (shareProps) {
function interpretStartData(
) {
if (defined(startData.version) && startData.version !== latestStartVersion) {
if (defined(terria.filterStartDataCallback)) {
startData = terria.filterStartDataCallback(startData) || startData;
// Include any initSources specified in the URL.
if (defined(startData.initSources)) {
for (var i = 0; i < startData.initSources.length; ++i) {
var initSource = startData.initSources[i];
// avoid loading terria.json twice
if (
temporaryInitSources.indexOf(initSource) < 0 &&
!initFragmentExists(temporaryInitSources, initSource)
) {
// Only add external files to the application's list of init sources.
if (
typeof initSource === "string" &&
persistentInitSources.indexOf(initSource) < 0
) {
function initFragmentExists(temporaryInitSources, initSource) {
if (initSource.initFragment && typeof initSource.initFragment === "string") {
if (
init => init.initFragment === initSource.initFragment
) >= 0
) {
return true;
return false;
function generateInitializationUrl(url) {
if (url.toLowerCase().substring(url.length - 5) !== ".json") {
return {
initFragment: url
return url;
function loadInitSources(terria, initSources) {
return initSources.reduce(function(promiseSoFar, initSource) {
return promiseSoFar
.then(loadInitSource.bind(undefined, terria, initSource))
.then(function(initSource) {
if (defined(initSource)) {
return terria.addInitSource(initSource);
}, when());
function loadInitSource(terria, source) {
if (defined(source.stories)) terria.stories = source.stories;
let loadSource;
let loadPromise;
if (typeof source === "string") {
loadSource = source;
loadPromise = loadJson5(terria.corsProxy.getURLProxyIfNecessary(source));
} else if (
typeof source === "object" &&
typeof source.initFragment === "string"
) {
const fragment = source.initFragment;
const fragmentPaths = terria.configParameters.initFragmentPaths;
if (fragmentPaths.length === 0) {
title: i18next.t("models.terria.loadingInitSourceErrorTitle"),
message: i18next.t("models.terria.loadingInitSourceErrorMessage", {
fragment: fragment
return undefined;
loadSource = fragmentPaths
.map(path => buildInitUrlFromFragment(path, fragment))
.join(", ");
loadPromise = loadJson5(
buildInitUrlFromFragment(fragmentPaths[0], fragment)
for (let i = 1; i < fragmentPaths.length; ++i) {
loadPromise = loadPromise.otherwise(function() {
return loadJson5(
buildInitUrlFromFragment(fragmentPaths[i], fragment)
if (loadPromise) {
return loadPromise
.then(function(initSource) {
initSource.isFromExternalFile = true;
return initSource;
.otherwise(function() {
title: i18next.t("models.terria.loadingInitSourceErrorTitle"),
message: i18next.t("models.terria.loadingInitSourceError2Message", {
loadSource: loadSource
return undefined;
} else {
return source;
function buildInitUrlFromFragment(path, fragment) {
return path + fragment + ".json";
function adjustForBackwardCompatibility(startData) {
if (startData.version === "0.0.03") {
// In this version, there was just a single 'camera' property instead of a 'homeCamera' and 'initialCamera'.
// Treat the one property as the initialCamera.
for (var i = 0; i < startData.initSources.length; ++i) {
if (defined(startData.initSources[i].camera)) {
startData.initSources[i].initialCamera =
startData.initSources[i].camera = undefined;
function showDisclaimer(
) {
// Show a modal disclaimer before user can do anything else.
if (
defined(terria.configParameters.globalDisclaimer) &&
) {
var globalDisclaimer = terria.configParameters.globalDisclaimer;
var hostname = window.location.hostname;
var enabled =
!defined(globalDisclaimer.enabled) || globalDisclaimer.enabled;
if (
enabled &&
(globalDisclaimer.enableOnLocalhost ||
hostname.indexOf("localhost") === -1)
) {
var message = "";
// Sometimes we want to show a preamble if the user is viewing a site other than the official production instance.
// This can be expressed as a devHostRegex ("any site starting with staging.") or a negative prodHostRegex ("any site not ending in .gov.au")
if (defined(developmentDisclaimerPreambleHtml)) {
if (
(defined(globalDisclaimer.devHostRegex) &&
hostname.match(globalDisclaimer.devHostRegex)) ||
(defined(globalDisclaimer.prodHostRegex) &&
) {
message += developmentDisclaimerPreambleHtml;
message += globalDisclaimerHtml;
var options = {
globalDisclaimer.title !== undefined
? globalDisclaimer.title
: i18next.t("models.terria.disclaimer"),
globalDisclaimer.buttonTitle ||
width: globalDisclaimer.width || 600,
height: globalDisclaimer.height || 550,
message: message,
hideUi: globalDisclaimer.hideUi,
type: "disclaimer"
module.exports = Terria;