"use strict";
/*global require*/
var URI = require("urijs");
var moment = require("moment");
var i18next = require("i18next").default;
var clone = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/clone").default;
var combine = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/combine").default;
var defaultValue = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defaultValue").default;
var defined = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined").default;
var Ellipsoid = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/Ellipsoid").default;
var GeographicTilingScheme = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/GeographicTilingScheme")
var GetFeatureInfoFormat = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Scene/GetFeatureInfoFormat")
var getToken = require("./getToken");
var ImageryProvider = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Scene/ImageryProvider")
var JulianDate = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/JulianDate").default;
var knockout = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/knockout").default;
var loadXML = require("../Core/loadXML");
var Rectangle = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/Rectangle").default;
var TimeInterval = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/TimeInterval").default;
var TimeIntervalCollection = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/TimeIntervalCollection")
var UrlTemplateImageryProvider = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Scene/UrlTemplateImageryProvider")
var WebMapServiceImageryProvider = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Scene/WebMapServiceImageryProvider")
var WebMercatorTilingScheme = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/WebMercatorTilingScheme")
var when = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/ThirdParty/when").default;
var containsAny = require("../Core/containsAny");
var Metadata = require("./Metadata");
var MetadataItem = require("./MetadataItem");
var TerriaError = require("../Core/TerriaError");
var ImageryLayerCatalogItem = require("./ImageryLayerCatalogItem");
var inherit = require("../Core/inherit");
var runLater = require("../Core/runLater");
var overrideProperty = require("../Core/overrideProperty");
var proxyCatalogItemUrl = require("./proxyCatalogItemUrl");
var unionRectangleArray = require("../Map/unionRectangleArray");
var xml2json = require("../ThirdParty/xml2json");
var LegendUrl = require("../Map/LegendUrl");
var callWebCoverageService = require("./callWebCoverageService");
* A {@link ImageryLayerCatalogItem} representing a layer from a Web Map Service (WMS) server.
* @alias WebMapServiceCatalogItem
* @constructor
* @extends ImageryLayerCatalogItem
* @param {Terria} terria The Terria instance.
var WebMapServiceCatalogItem = function(terria) {
ImageryLayerCatalogItem.call(this, terria);
this._rawMetadata = undefined;
this._thisLayerInRawMetadata = undefined;
this._allLayersInRawMetadata = undefined;
this._metadata = undefined;
this._getCapabilitiesUrl = undefined;
this._rectangle = undefined;
this._rectangleFromMetadata = undefined;
this._intervalsFromMetadata = undefined;
this._lastToken = undefined;
this._newTokenRequestInFlight = undefined;
* Gets or sets the WMS layers to include. To specify multiple layers, separate them
* with a commas. This property is observable.
* @type {String}
this.layers = "";
* Gets or sets the URL of a WCS that enables clip-and-ship for this WMS item. This
* proerty is part of an experimental feature and may be subject to change.
* @type {String}
this.linkedWcsUrl = undefined;
* Gets or sets the coverage name for linked WCS for clip-and-ship. This proerty is part
* of an experimental feature and may be subject to change.
* @type {String}
this.linkedWcsCoverage = "";
* Gets or sets the comma-separated list of styles to request, one per layer list in {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#layers}.
* This property is observable.
* @type {String}
this.styles = "";
* Gets or sets the additional parameters to pass to the WMS server when requesting images.
* All parameter names must be entered in lowercase in order to be consistent with references in TerrisJS code.
* If this property is undefined, {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultParameters} is used.
* @type {Object}
this.parameters = {};
* Gets or sets the tiling scheme to pass to the WMS server when requesting images.
* If this property is undefiend, the default tiling scheme of the provider is used.
* @type {Object}
this.tilingScheme = undefined;
* Gets or sets the formats in which to try WMS GetFeatureInfo requests. If this property is undefined, the `WebMapServiceImageryProvider` defaults
* are used. This property is observable.
* @type {GetFeatureInfoFormat[]}
this.getFeatureInfoFormats = undefined;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether a time dimension, if it exists in GetCapabilities, should be used to populate
* the {@link ImageryLayerCatalogItem#intervals}. If the {@link ImageryLayerCatalogItem#intervals} property is set explicitly
* on this catalog item, the value of this property is ignored.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.populateIntervalsFromTimeDimension = true;
* Gets or sets the denominator of the largest scale (smallest denominator) for which tiles should be requested. For example, if this value is 1000, then tiles representing
* a scale larger than 1:1000 (i.e. numerically smaller denominator, when zooming in closer) will not be requested. Instead, tiles of the largest-available scale, as specified by this property,
* will be used and will simply get blurier as the user zooms in closer.
* @type {Number}
this.minScaleDenominator = undefined;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether to continue showing tiles or hide tiles when the {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#minScaleDenominator}
* is exceeded. This property is observable.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.hideLayerAfterMinScaleDenominator = false;
* Gets or sets the maximum number of intervals that can be created by a single
* date range, when specified in the form time/time/periodicity.
* eg. 2015-04-27T16:15:00/2015-04-27T18:45:00/PT15M has 11 intervals
* @type {Number}
this.maxRefreshIntervals = 1000;
* Gets or sets whether this WMS has been identified as being provided by a GeoServer.
* @type {Boolean}
this.isGeoServer = undefined;
* Gets or sets whether this WMS has been identified as being provided by an Esri ArcGIS MapServer. No assumption is made about where an ArcGIS MapServer endpoint also exists.
* @type {Boolean}
this.isEsri = undefined;
* Gets or sets whether this WMS has been identified as being provided by ncWMS.
* @type {Boolean}
this.isNcWMS = undefined;
* Gets or sets whether this WMS server has been identified as supporting the COLORSCALERANGE parameter.
* @type {Boolean}
this.supportsColorScaleRange = undefined;
* Gets or sets how many seconds time-series data with a start date but no end date should last, in seconds.
* @type {Number}
this.displayDuration = undefined;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user's ability to change the display properties of this
* catalog item is disabled. For example, if true, {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#styles} should not be
* changeable through the user interface.
* This property is observable.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
this.disableUserChanges = false;
* Gets or sets the available styles for each selected layer in {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#layers}. If undefined,
* this property is automatically populated from the WMS GetCapabilities on load. This property is an object that has a
* property named for each layer. The value of the property is an array where each element in the array is a style supported
* by the layer. The style has `name`, `title`, `abstract`, and `legendUrl` properties.
* This property is observable.
* @type {Object}
* @example
* wmsItem.availableStyles = {
* {
* name: 'default-scalar/default',
* title: 'default-scalar/default',
* abstract: 'default-scalar style, using the default palette.',
* legendUrl: new LegendUrl('http://www.smast.umassd.edu:8080/ncWMS2/wms?REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&PALETTE=default&COLORBARONLY=true&WIDTH=110&HEIGHT=264', 'image/png')
* }
* ]
* };
this.availableStyles = undefined;
* Gets or sets the minumum of the color scale range. Because COLORSCALERANGE is a non-standard
* property supported by ncWMS servers, this property is ignored unless {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#supportsColorScaleRange}
* is true. {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#colorScaleMaximum} must be set as well.
* @type {Number}
this.colorScaleMinimum = undefined;
* Gets or sets the maximum of the color scale range. Because COLORSCALERANGE is a non-standard
* property supported by ncWMS servers, this property is ignored unless {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#supportsColorScaleRange}
* is true. {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#colorScaleMinimum} must be set as well.
* @type {Number}
this.colorScaleMaximum = undefined;
* Gets or sets the list of additional dimensions (e.g. elevation) and their possible values available from the
* WMS server. If undefined, this property is automatically populated from the WMS GetCapabilities on load.
* This property is an object that has a property named for each layer. The value of the property is an array
* of dimensions available for this layer. A dimension has the fields shown in the example below. See the
* WMS 1.3.0 specification, section C.2, for a description of the fields. All fields are optional except
* `name` and `options`. This property is observable.
* @type {Object}
* @example
* wmsItem.availableDimensions = {
* mylayer: [
* {
* name: 'elevation',
* units: 'CRS:88',
* unitSymbol: 'm',
* default: -0.03125,
* multipleValues: false,
* nearestValue: false,
* options: [
* -0.96875,
* -0.90625,
* -0.84375,
* -0.78125,
* -0.71875,
* -0.65625,
* -0.59375,
* -0.53125,
* -0.46875,
* -0.40625,
* -0.34375,
* -0.28125,
* -0.21875,
* -0.15625,
* -0.09375,
* -0.03125
* ]
* }
* ]
* };
this.availableDimensions = undefined;
* Gets or sets the selected values for dimensions available for this WMS layer. The value of this property is
* an object where each key is the name of a dimension and each value is the value to use for that dimension.
* Note that WMS does not allow dimensions to be explicitly specified per layer. So the selected dimension values are
* applied to all layers with a corresponding dimension.
* This property is observable.
* @type {Object}
* @example
* wmsItem.dimensions = {
* elevation: -0.65625
* };
this.dimensions = undefined;
* Gets or sets the URL to use for requesting tokens. Typically, this is set to `/esri-token-auth` to use
* the ArcGIS token mechanism built into terriajs-server.
* @type {String}
this.tokenUrl = undefined;
* Gets or sets the name of the URL query parameter used to provide the token
* to the server. This property is ignored if {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#tokenUrl} is undefined.
* @type {String}
* @default 'token'
this.tokenParameterName = "token";
* Gets or sets the set of HTTP status codes that indicate that a token is invalid.
* This property is ignored if {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#tokenUrl} is undefined.
* @type {Number[]}
* @default [401, 498, 499]
this.tokenInvalidHttpCodes = [401, 498, 499];
* A HTML string to show above the chart as a disclaimer
* @type {String}
* @default null
this.chartDisclaimer = null;
this._sourceInfoItemNames = ["GetCapabilities URL"];
knockout.track(this, [
knockout.defineProperty(this, "_colorScaleRange", {
get: function() {
return [this.colorScaleMinimum, this.colorScaleMaximum];
this._refreshInProgress = undefined;
knockout.getObservable(this, "_colorScaleRange").subscribe(function() {
if (this.isEnabled && !this._refreshInProgress) {
this._refreshInProgress = runLater(() => {
this._refreshInProgress = undefined;
}, this);
// getCapabilitiesUrl and legendUrl are derived from url if not explicitly specified.
overrideProperty(this, "getCapabilitiesUrl", {
get: function() {
if (defined(this._getCapabilitiesUrl)) {
return this._getCapabilitiesUrl;
if (defined(this.metadataUrl)) {
return this.metadataUrl;
if (!defined(this.url)) {
return undefined;
return (
cleanUrl(this.url) +
set: function(value) {
this._getCapabilitiesUrl = value;
var legendUrlsBase = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, "legendUrls");
overrideProperty(this, "legendUrls", {
get: function() {
if (defined(this._legendUrls)) {
return this._legendUrls;
} else if (defined(this._legendUrl)) {
return [this._legendUrl];
} else {
return computeLegendUrls(this);
set: function(value) {
legendUrlsBase.set.call(this, value);
// The dataUrl must be explicitly specified. Don't try to use `url` as the the dataUrl, because it won't work for a WMS URL.
overrideProperty(this, "dataUrl", {
get: function() {
return this._dataUrl;
set: function(value) {
this._dataUrl = value;
overrideProperty(this, "dataUrlType", {
get: function() {
return this._dataUrlType;
set: function(value) {
this._dataUrlType = value;
inherit(ImageryLayerCatalogItem, WebMapServiceCatalogItem);
Object.defineProperties(WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype, {
* Gets the type of data item represented by this instance.
* @memberOf WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String}
type: {
get: function() {
return "wms";
* Gets a human-readable name for this type of data source, 'Web Map Service (WMS)'.
* @memberOf WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String}
typeName: {
get: function() {
return i18next.t("models.webMapServiceCatalogItem.wms");
* Gets a value indicating whether this {@link ImageryLayerCatalogItem} supports the {@link ImageryLayerCatalogItem#intervals}
* property for configuring time-dynamic imagery.
* @type {Boolean}
supportsIntervals: {
get: function() {
return true;
* Gets the metadata associated with this data source and the server that provided it, if applicable.
* @memberOf WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {Metadata}
metadata: {
get: function() {
if (!defined(this._metadata)) {
this._metadata = requestMetadata(this);
return this._metadata;
* Gets the set of functions used to update individual properties in {@link CatalogMember#updateFromJson}.
* When a property name in the returned object literal matches the name of a property on this instance, the value
* will be called as a function and passed a reference to this instance, a reference to the source JSON object
* literal, and the name of the property.
* @memberOf WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {Object}
updaters: {
get: function() {
return WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultUpdaters;
* Gets the set of functions used to serialize individual properties in {@link CatalogMember#serializeToJson}.
* When a property name on the model matches the name of a property in the serializers object literal,
* the value will be called as a function and passed a reference to the model, a reference to the destination
* JSON object literal, and the name of the property.
* @memberOf WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {Object}
serializers: {
get: function() {
return WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers;
* Gets the set of names of the properties to be serialized for this object when {@link CatalogMember#serializeToJson} is called
* for a share link.
* @memberOf WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String[]}
propertiesForSharing: {
get: function() {
return WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultPropertiesForSharing;
* Gets the title of each of the layers in {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#layers}. If the layer
* titles are not yet known (because GetCapabilities has not been loaded yet, for example), this
* property will return undefined.
* @memberOf ImageryLayerCatalogItem.prototype
* @type {String[]}
layerTitles: {
get: function() {
if (!defined(this._allLayersInRawMetadata)) {
return undefined;
return this._allLayersInRawMetadata.map(function(layer) {
return layer.Title || layer.Name;
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultUpdaters = clone(
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultUpdaters.tilingScheme = function(
) {
if (json.tilingScheme === "geographic") {
wmsItem.tilingScheme = new GeographicTilingScheme();
} else if (json.tilingScheme === "web-mercator") {
wmsItem.tilingScheme = new WebMercatorTilingScheme();
} else {
wmsItem.tilingScheme = json.tilingScheme;
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultUpdaters.getFeatureInfoFormats = function(
) {
var formats = [];
for (var i = 0; i < json.getFeatureInfoFormats.length; ++i) {
var format = json.getFeatureInfoFormats[i];
formats.push(new GetFeatureInfoFormat(format.type, format.format));
wmsItem.getFeatureInfoFormats = formats;
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers = clone(
// Serialize the underlying properties instead of the public views of them.
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers.getCapabilitiesUrl = function(
) {
json.getCapabilitiesUrl = wmsItem._getCapabilitiesUrl;
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers.tilingScheme = function(
) {
if (wmsItem.tilingScheme instanceof GeographicTilingScheme) {
json.tilingScheme = "geographic";
} else if (wmsItem.tilingScheme instanceof WebMercatorTilingScheme) {
json.tilingScheme = "web-mercator";
} else {
json.tilingScheme = wmsItem.tilingScheme;
// Do not serialize availableDimensions, availableStyles, intervals, description, info - these can be huge and can be recovered from the server.
// Normally when you share a WMS item, it is inside a WMS group, and when CatalogGroups are shared, they share their contents applying the
// CatalogMember.propertyFilters.sharedOnly filter, which only shares the "propertiesForSharing".
// However, if you create a straight WMS item outside a group (eg. by duplicating it), then share it, it will serialize everything it can.
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers.availableDimensions = function() {};
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers.availableStyles = function() {};
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers.intervals = function() {};
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers.description = function() {};
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultSerializers.info = function() {};
* Gets or sets the default set of properties that are serialized when serializing a {@link CatalogItem}-derived object
* for a share link.
* @type {String[]}
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultPropertiesForSharing = clone(
* The collection of strings that indicate an Abstract property should be ignored. If these strings occur anywhere
* in the Abstract, the Abstract will not be used. This makes it easy to filter out placeholder data like
* Geoserver's "A compliant implementation of WMS..." stock abstract.
* @type {Array}
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.abstractsToIgnore = [
"A compliant implementation of WMS"
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.getAllAvailableStylesFromCapabilities = function(
) {
if (!defined(result)) {
result = {};
layers =
capabilities && capabilities.Capability
? capabilities.Capability.Layer
: [];
if (!defined(layers)) {
return result;
layers = Array.isArray(layers) ? layers : [layers];
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; ++i) {
var layer = layers[i];
var styles = WebMapServiceCatalogItem.getSingleLayerStylesFromCapabilities(
if (defined(layer.Name) && layer.Name.length > 0) {
result[layer.Name] = styles;
return result;
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.getSingleLayerStylesFromCapabilities = function(
) {
inheritedStyles = inheritedStyles || [];
if (!defined(layerInCapabilities) || !defined(layerInCapabilities.Style)) {
return inheritedStyles;
var styles = Array.isArray(layerInCapabilities.Style)
? layerInCapabilities.Style
: [layerInCapabilities.Style];
return inheritedStyles.concat(
styles.map(function(style) {
var legendUrl = Array.isArray(style.LegendURL)
? style.LegendURL[0]
: style.LegendURL;
var legendUri, legendMimeType;
if (
legendUrl &&
legendUrl.OnlineResource &&
) {
legendUri = new URI(
legendMimeType = legendUrl.Format;
return {
name: style.Name,
title: style.Title,
abstract: style.Abstract,
legendUri: legendUri
? new LegendUrl(legendUri.toString(), legendMimeType)
: undefined
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.getAllAvailableDimensionsFromCapabilities = function(
) {
if (!defined(result)) {
result = {};
layers =
capabilities && capabilities.Capability
? capabilities.Capability.Layer
: [];
if (!defined(layers)) {
return result;
layers = Array.isArray(layers) ? layers : [layers];
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; ++i) {
var layer = layers[i];
var dimensions = WebMapServiceCatalogItem.getSingleLayerDimensionsFromCapabilities(
if (defined(layer.Name) && layer.Name.length > 0) {
result[layer.Name] = dimensions;
return result;
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.getSingleLayerDimensionsFromCapabilities = function(
) {
inheritedDimensions = inheritedDimensions || [];
if (
!defined(layerInCapabilities) ||
) {
return inheritedDimensions;
var dimensions = Array.isArray(layerInCapabilities.Dimension)
? layerInCapabilities.Dimension
: [layerInCapabilities.Dimension];
// WMS 1.1.1 puts dimension values in an Extent element instead of directly in the Dimension element.
var extents = layerInCapabilities.Extent
? Array.isArray(layerInCapabilities.Extent)
? layerInCapabilities.Extent
: [layerInCapabilities.Extent]
: [];
// Filter out inherited dimensions that are duplicated here. Child layer dimensions override parent layer dimensions.
inheritedDimensions = inheritedDimensions.filter(
inheritedDimension =>
dimensions.filter(dimension => dimension.name === inheritedDimension.name)
.length === 0
return inheritedDimensions.concat(
dimensions.map(dimension => {
var correspondingExtent = extents.filter(
extent => extent.name === dimension.name
var options;
if (correspondingExtent && correspondingExtent.split) {
options = correspondingExtent.split(",");
} else if (dimension.split) {
options = dimension.split(",");
} else {
options = [];
return {
name: dimension.name,
units: dimension.units,
unitSymbol: dimension.unitSymbol,
default: dimension.default,
multipleValues: dimension.multipleValues,
nearestValue: dimension.nearestValue,
options: options
* Updates this catalog item from a WMS GetCapabilities document.
* @param {Object|XMLDocument} capabilities The capabilities document. This may be a JSON object or an XML document. If it
* is a JSON object, each layer is expected to have a `_parent` property with a reference to its
* parent layer.
* @param {Boolean} [overwrite=false] True to overwrite existing property values with data from the capabilities; false to
* preserve any existing values.
* @param {Object} [thisLayer] A reference to this layer within the JSON capabilities object. If this parameter is not
* specified or if `capabilities` is an XML document, the layer is found automatically based on this
* catalog item's `layers` property.
* @param {Object} [infoDerivedFromCapabilities] Additional information already derived from the GetCapabilities document, including:
* @param {Object} [infoDerivedFromCapabilities.availableStyles] The available styles from this WMS server, structured as in the
* {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#availableStyles} property.
* @param {Object} [infoDerivedFromCapabilities.availableDimensions] The available dimensions from this WMS server, structured as in
* the {@link WebMapServiceCatalogItem#availableDimensions} property.
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype.updateFromCapabilities = function(
) {
if (defined(capabilities.documentElement)) {
capabilities = capabilitiesXmlToJson(this, capabilities);
thisLayer = undefined;
if (!defined(this.availableStyles)) {
if (
defined(infoDerivedFromCapabilities) &&
) {
this.availableStyles = infoDerivedFromCapabilities.availableStyles;
} else {
this.availableStyles = WebMapServiceCatalogItem.getAllAvailableStylesFromCapabilities(
if (!defined(this.availableDimensions)) {
if (
defined(infoDerivedFromCapabilities) &&
) {
this.availableDimensions =
} else {
this.availableDimensions = WebMapServiceCatalogItem.getAllAvailableDimensionsFromCapabilities(
if (
!defined(this.isGeoServer) &&
capabilities &&
capabilities.Service &&
capabilities.Service.KeywordList &&
capabilities.Service.KeywordList.Keyword &&
capabilities.Service.KeywordList.Keyword.indexOf("GEOSERVER") >= 0
) {
this.isGeoServer = true;
if (
(!defined(this.isEsri) && defined(capabilities["xmlns:esri_wms"])) ||
) {
this.isEsri = true;
if (
!defined(this.isNcWMS) &&
capabilities &&
capabilities.Capability &&
) {
var myLayer = findLayers(capabilities.Capability.Layer, this.layers);
if (defined(myLayer) && myLayer.length > 0) {
myLayer = myLayer[0];
if (myLayer && myLayer.Style && myLayer.Style.length > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < myLayer.Style.length; ++j) {
if (
!defined(this.isNcWMS) &&
myLayer.Style[j].Name &&
(myLayer.Style[j].Name.match(/boxfill\/rainbow/i) ||
myLayer.Style[j].Name.match(/default-scalar\/default/i) ||
) {
this.isNcWMS = true;
if (!defined(this.supportsColorScaleRange)) {
this.supportsColorScaleRange = this.isNcWMS;
if (!this.supportsColorScaleRange) {
var hasExtendedRequests =
capabilities.Capability &&
capabilities.Capability.ExtendedCapabilities &&
if (hasExtendedRequests) {
var extendedRequests =
extendedRequests = Array.isArray(extendedRequests)
? extendedRequests
: [extendedRequests];
var extendedGetMap = extendedRequests.filter(
request => request.Request === "GetMap"
if (extendedGetMap) {
var urlParameters = Array.isArray(extendedGetMap.UrlParameter)
? extendedGetMap.UrlParameter
: [extendedGetMap.UrlParameter];
var colorScaleRangeParameter = urlParameters.filter(
parameter => parameter.ParameterName === "COLORSCALERANGE"
this.supportsColorScaleRange = defined(colorScaleRangeParameter);
if (!defined(thisLayer)) {
thisLayer = findLayers(capabilities.Capability.Layer, this.layers);
if (defined(this.layers)) {
var layers = this.layers.split(",");
var styles = (this.styles || this.parameters.styles || "").split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < thisLayer.length; ++i) {
if (!defined(thisLayer[i])) {
if (thisLayer.length > 1) {
'A layer with the name or ID "' +
layers[i] +
'" does not exist on the WMS Server - ignoring it.'
thisLayer.splice(i, 1);
layers.splice(i, 1);
styles.splice(i, 1);
} else {
var suggested =
capabilities &&
capabilities.Capability &&
capabilities.Capability.Layer &&
capabilities.Capability.Layer.Layer &&
suggested = suggested
? ' (Perhaps it should be "' + suggested + '").'
: "";
throw new TerriaError({
title: i18next.t(
message: i18next.t(
name: this.name,
layers: this.layers,
suggested: suggested,
'<a href="mailto:' +
this.terria.supportEmail +
'">' +
this.terria.supportEmail +
line: "\n"
} else {
layers[i] = thisLayer[i].Name;
this.layers = layers.join(",");
this.styles = styles.join(",");
if (thisLayer.length === 0) {
this._rawMetadata = capabilities;
if (Array.isArray(thisLayer)) {
this._thisLayerInRawMetadata = thisLayer[0];
this._allLayersInRawMetadata = thisLayer;
thisLayer = this._thisLayerInRawMetadata;
} else {
this._thisLayerInRawMetadata = thisLayer;
this._allLayersInRawMetadata = [thisLayer];
this._overwriteFromGetCapabilities = overwrite;
function loadFromCapabilities(wmsItem) {
var thisLayer = wmsItem._thisLayerInRawMetadata;
if (!defined(thisLayer)) {
var overwrite = wmsItem._overwriteFromGetCapabilities;
var capabilities = wmsItem._rawMetadata;
if (
!containsAny(thisLayer.Abstract, WebMapServiceCatalogItem.abstractsToIgnore)
) {
var service = defined(capabilities.Service) ? capabilities.Service : {};
// Show the service abstract if there is one, and if it isn't the Geoserver default "A compliant implementation..."
if (
) &&
service.Abstract !== thisLayer.Abstract
) {
// If style is defined in parameters, use that, but only if a style with that name can be found.
// Otherwise use first style in list.
var style = Array.isArray(thisLayer.Style)
? thisLayer.Style[0]
: thisLayer.Style;
if (defined(wmsItem.parameters.styles)) {
var styleName = wmsItem.parameters.styles;
if (Array.isArray(thisLayer.Style)) {
for (var ind = 0; ind < thisLayer.Style.length; ind++) {
if (thisLayer.Style[ind].Name === styleName) {
style = thisLayer.Style[ind];
} else {
if (defined(thisLayer.style) && thisLayer.style.styleName === styleName) {
style = thisLayer.style;
if (defined(style) && defined(style.MetadataURL)) {
var metadataUrls = (Array.isArray(style.MetadataURL)
? style.MetadataURL
: [style.MetadataURL]
.map(function(metadataUrl) {
return metadataUrl && metadataUrl.OnlineResource
? metadataUrl.OnlineResource["xlink:href"]
: undefined;
.filter(url => defined(url))
// Show the Access Constraints if it isn't "none" (because that's the default, and usually a lie).
if (
defined(service.AccessConstraints) &&
) {
getIntervalsFromLayer(wmsItem, thisLayer)
var crs = defaultValue(
getInheritableProperty(thisLayer, "CRS", true),
getInheritableProperty(thisLayer, "SRS", true)
var tilingScheme;
var srs;
if (defined(crs)) {
if (crsIsMatch(crs, "EPSG:3857")) {
// Standard Web Mercator
tilingScheme = new WebMercatorTilingScheme();
srs = "EPSG:3857";
} else if (crsIsMatch(crs, "EPSG:900913")) {
// Older code for Web Mercator
tilingScheme = new WebMercatorTilingScheme();
srs = "EPSG:900913";
} else if (crsIsMatch(crs, "EPSG:4326")) {
// Standard Geographic
tilingScheme = new GeographicTilingScheme();
srs = "EPSG:4326";
} else if (crsIsMatch(crs, "CRS:84")) {
// Another name for EPSG:4326
tilingScheme = new GeographicTilingScheme();
srs = "CRS:84";
} else if (crsIsMatch(crs, "EPSG:4283")) {
// Australian system that is equivalent to EPSG:4326.
tilingScheme = new GeographicTilingScheme();
srs = "EPSG:4283";
} else {
// No known supported CRS listed. Try the default, EPSG:3857, and hope for the best.
tilingScheme = new WebMercatorTilingScheme();
srs = "EPSG:3857";
updateValue(wmsItem, overwrite, "tilingScheme", tilingScheme);
if (!defined(wmsItem.parameters)) {
wmsItem.parameters = {};
updateValue(wmsItem.parameters, overwrite, "srs", srs);
if (wmsItem.supportsColorScaleRange) {
updateValue(wmsItem, overwrite, "colorScaleMinimum", -50);
updateValue(wmsItem, overwrite, "colorScaleMaximum", 50);
function addToken(url, tokenParameterName, token) {
if (!defined(token)) {
return url;
} else {
return new URI(url).setQuery(tokenParameterName, token).toString();
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype._load = function() {
var that = this;
var promise = when();
if (this.tokenUrl) {
promise = getToken(this.terria, this.tokenUrl, this.url);
return promise.then(function(token) {
that._lastToken = token;
var promises = [];
if (!defined(that._rawMetadata) && defined(that.getCapabilitiesUrl)) {
).then(function(xml) {
var metadata = capabilitiesXmlToJson(that, xml);
that.updateFromCapabilities(metadata, false);
} else {
// Query WMS for wfs or wcs URL if no dataUrl is present
if (!defined(that.dataUrl) && defined(that.url)) {
var describeLayersURL =
cleanUrl(that.url) +
"?service=WMS&version=1.1.1&sld_version=1.1.0&request=DescribeLayer&layers=" +
.then(function(xml) {
var json = xml2json(xml);
// LayerDescription could be an array. If so, only use the first element
var LayerDescription =
json.LayerDescription instanceof Array
? json.LayerDescription[0]
: json.LayerDescription;
if (
defined(LayerDescription) &&
defined(LayerDescription.owsURL) &&
) {
switch (LayerDescription.owsType.toLowerCase()) {
case "wfs":
if (
defined(LayerDescription.Query) &&
) {
that.dataUrl = addToken(
cleanUrl(LayerDescription.owsURL) +
"?service=WFS&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=" +
LayerDescription.Query.typeName +
that.dataUrlType = "wfs-complete";
} else {
that.dataUrl = addToken(
that.dataUrlType = "wfs";
case "wcs":
if (
defined(LayerDescription.Query) &&
) {
that.dataUrl = addToken(
cleanUrl(LayerDescription.owsURL) +
"?service=WCS&version=1.1.1&request=DescribeCoverage&identifiers=" +
if (that.linkedWcsUrl && that.linkedWcsCoverage === "") {
that.linkedWcsCoverage = LayerDescription.Query.typeName;
that.dataUrlType = "wcs-complete";
} else {
that.dataUrl = addToken(
that.dataUrlType = "wcs";
.otherwise(function(err) {})
); // Catch potential XML error - doesn't matter if URL can't be retrieved
return when.all(promises).then(() => {
function fixPlaceholders(urlString) {
return urlString.replace(/%7B/g, "{").replace(/%7D/g, "}");
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype.handleTileError = function(
) {
if (!defined(this.tokenUrl)) {
return detailsRequestPromise;
const that = this;
return detailsRequestPromise.otherwise(function(e) {
if (e && (e.statusCode === 498 || e.statusCode === 499)) {
// This looks like an invalid token error, so try requesting a new one.
if (!defined(that._newTokenRequestInFlight)) {
that._newTokenRequestInFlight = getToken(
).then(function(token) {
that._lastToken = token;
// Turns out setting a parameter after the WMS provider is created is not a thing we can do elegantly.
// So here we do it super hackily.
const oldTemplateProvider = imageryProvider._tileProvider;
const newTemplateProvider = new UrlTemplateImageryProvider({
url: fixPlaceholders(
pickFeaturesUrl: fixPlaceholders(
tilingScheme: oldTemplateProvider.tilingScheme,
rectangle: oldTemplateProvider.rectangle,
tileWidth: oldTemplateProvider.tileWidth,
tileHeight: oldTemplateProvider.tileHeight,
minimumLevel: oldTemplateProvider.minimumLevel,
maximumLevel: oldTemplateProvider.maximumLevel,
proxy: oldTemplateProvider.proxy,
subdomains: oldTemplateProvider.subdomains,
tileDiscardPolicy: oldTemplateProvider.tileDiscardPolicy,
credit: oldTemplateProvider.credit,
getFeatureInfoFormats: oldTemplateProvider.getFeatureInfoFormats,
enablePickFeatures: oldTemplateProvider.enablePickFeatures,
hasAlphaChannel: oldTemplateProvider.hasAlphaChannel,
urlSchemeZeroPadding: oldTemplateProvider.urlSchemeZeroPadding
newTemplateProvider._errorEvent = oldTemplateProvider._errorEvent;
imageryProvider._tileProvider = newTemplateProvider;
that._newTokenRequestInFlight = undefined;
return that._newTokenRequestInFlight;
} else {
return when.reject(e);
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype._createImageryProvider = function(time) {
var parameters = objectToLowercase(this.parameters);
if (defined(time)) {
parameters = combine({ time: time }, parameters);
if (defined(this._lastToken)) {
parameters = combine({ [this.tokenParameterName]: this._lastToken });
parameters = combine(parameters, WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultParameters);
// request one more feature than we will show, so that we can tell the user if there are more not shown
if (defined(parameters.feature_count)) {
this.name +
": using parameters.feature_count (" +
parameters.feature_count +
") to override maximumShownFeatureInfos (" +
this.maximumShownFeatureInfos +
if (parameters.feature_count === 1) {
this.maximumShownFeatureInfos = 1;
} else {
this.maximumShownFeatureInfos = parameters.feature_count - 1;
} else {
parameters.feature_count = this.maximumShownFeatureInfos + 1;
if (
defined(this.styles) &&
(!defined(parameters.styles) || parameters.styles.length === 0)
) {
parameters.styles = this.styles;
if (
defined(this.colorScaleMinimum) &&
defined(this.colorScaleMaximum) &&
) {
parameters.colorscalerange = [
var maximumLevel = scaleDenominatorToLevel(this.minScaleDenominator);
if (
defined(this.dimensions) &&
(!defined(parameters.dimensions) || parameters.dimensions.length === 0)
) {
for (var dimensionName in this.dimensions) {
if (this.dimensions.hasOwnProperty(dimensionName)) {
// elevation is specified as simply elevation.
// Other (custom) dimensions are prefixed with 'dim_'.
// See WMS 1.3.0 spec section C.3.2 and C.3.3.
if (dimensionName.toLowerCase() === "elevation") {
parameters.elevation = this.dimensions[dimensionName];
} else {
parameters["dim_" + dimensionName] = this.dimensions[dimensionName];
const imageryOptions = {
url: cleanAndProxyUrl(this, this.url),
layers: this.layers,
getFeatureInfoFormats: this.getFeatureInfoFormats,
parameters: parameters,
getFeatureInfoParameters: parameters,
tilingScheme: defined(this.tilingScheme)
? this.tilingScheme
: new WebMercatorTilingScheme(),
maximumLevel: maximumLevel
if (this.hideLayerAfterMinScaleDenominator) {
imageryOptions.maximumLevel = maximumLevel + 1;
var imageryProvider = new WebMapServiceImageryProvider(imageryOptions);
if (this.hideLayerAfterMinScaleDenominator) {
var realRequestImage = imageryProvider.requestImage;
var messageDisplayed = false;
var that = this;
imageryProvider.requestImage = function(x, y, level) {
if (level > maximumLevel) {
if (!messageDisplayed) {
new TerriaError({
title: i18next.t(
message: i18next.t(
{ name: that.name }
messageDisplayed = true;
return ImageryProvider.loadImage(
that.terria.baseUrl + "images/blank.png"
return realRequestImage.call(imageryProvider, x, y, level);
return imageryProvider;
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.prototype.exportData = function() {
// Use linked WCS to export data
if (!defined(this.linkedWcsUrl)) {
return undefined;
WebMapServiceCatalogItem.defaultParameters = {
transparent: true,
format: "image/png",
exceptions: "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml",
styles: "",
tiled: true
function cleanAndProxyUrl(catalogItem, url) {
return proxyCatalogItemUrl(catalogItem, cleanUrl(url));
function cleanUrl(url) {
// Strip off the search portion of the URL
var uri = new URI(url);
return uri.toString();
function scaleDenominatorToLevel(minScaleDenominator) {
if (!defined(minScaleDenominator) || minScaleDenominator <= 0.0) {
return undefined;
var metersPerPixel = 0.00028; // from WMS 1.3.0 spec section
var tileWidth = 256;
var circumferenceAtEquator = 2 * Math.PI * Ellipsoid.WGS84.maximumRadius;
var distancePerPixelAtLevel0 = circumferenceAtEquator / tileWidth;
var level0ScaleDenominator = distancePerPixelAtLevel0 / metersPerPixel;
// 1e-6 epsilon from WMS 1.3.0 spec, section
var ratio = level0ScaleDenominator / (minScaleDenominator - 1e-6);
var levelAtMinScaleDenominator = Math.log(ratio) / Math.log(2);
return levelAtMinScaleDenominator | 0;
function getRectangleFromLayer(layer) {
var egbb = layer.EX_GeographicBoundingBox; // required in WMS 1.3.0
if (defined(egbb)) {
return Rectangle.fromDegrees(
} else {
var llbb = layer.LatLonBoundingBox; // required in WMS 1.0.0 through 1.1.1
if (defined(llbb)) {
return Rectangle.fromDegrees(llbb.minx, llbb.miny, llbb.maxx, llbb.maxy);
return undefined;
function getRectangleFromLayers(layers) {
if (!Array.isArray(layers)) {
return getRectangleFromLayer(layers);
return unionRectangleArray(
layers.map(function(item) {
return getRectangleFromLayer(item);
function updateIntervalsFromIsoSegments(intervals, isoSegments, time, wmsItem) {
// Note parseZone will create a moment with the original specified UTC offset if there is one,
// but if not, it will create a moment in UTC.
var start = moment.parseZone(isoSegments[0]);
var stop = moment.parseZone(isoSegments[1]);
if (isoSegments.length === 2) {
// Does this situation ever arise? The standard is confusing:
// Section of the standard, defining getCapabilities, refers to sections 6.7.5 through 6.7.7.
// Section 6.7.6 is about Temporal CS, and says in full:
// Some geographic information may be available at multiple times (for example, an hourly weather map). A WMS
// may announce available times in its service metadata, and the GetMap operation includes a parameter for
// requesting a particular time. The format of a time string is specified in Annex D. Depending on the context, time
// values may appear as a single value, a list of values, or an interval, as specified in Annex C. When providing
// temporal information, a server should declare a default value in service metadata, and a server shall respond with
// the default value if one has been declared and the client request does not include a value.
// Annex D says only moments and periods are allowed - it does not mention intervals.
// Annex C describes how to request layers - not what getCapabilities returns: but it does allow for intervals.
// In either case, value uses the format described in Table C.2 to provide a single value, a comma-separated list, or
// an interval of the form start/end without a resolution... An interval in a request
// value is a request for all the data from the start value up to and including the end value.
// This seems to imply getCapabilities should only return dates or periods, but that you can request a period, and receive
// a server-defined aggregation of the layers in that period.
// But MapServer actually gives an example getCapabilities which contains a period:
// http://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_time.html#getcapabilities-output
// <Extent name="time" default="2004-01-01 14:10:00" nearestValue="0">2004-01-01/2004-02-01</Extent>
// The standard defines nearestValue such that: 0 = request value(s) must correspond exactly to declared extent value(s),
// and yet the default is not exactly a declared extend value.
// So it looks like Map Server defines a period in GetCapabilities, but actually wants it requested using a date,
// not a period, and that any date in that interval will return the same thing.
new TimeInterval({
start: JulianDate.fromIso8601(start.format()),
stop: JulianDate.fromIso8601(stop.format()),
data: start // Convert the period to a date for requests (see discussion above).
} else {
// Note WMS uses extension ISO19128 of ISO8601; ISO 19128 allows start/end/periodicity
// and does not use the "R[n]/" prefix for repeated intervals
// eg. Data refreshed every 30 min: 2000-06-18T14:30Z/2000-06-18T14:30Z/PT30M
// See 06-042_OpenGIS_Web_Map_Service_WMS_Implementation_Specification.pdf section D.4
var duration = moment.duration(isoSegments[2]);
if (
duration.isValid() &&
(duration.milliseconds() > 0 ||
duration.seconds() > 0 ||
duration.minutes() > 0 ||
duration.hours() > 0 ||
duration.days() > 0 ||
duration.weeks() > 0 ||
duration.months() > 0 ||
duration.years() > 0)
) {
var thisStop = start.clone();
var prevStop = start;
var stopDate = stop;
var count = 0;
// Add intervals starting at start until:
// we go past the stop date, or
// we go past the max limit
while (
thisStop &&
prevStop.isSameOrBefore(stopDate) &&
count < wmsItem.maxRefreshIntervals
) {
new TimeInterval({
start: JulianDate.fromIso8601(prevStop.format()),
stop: JulianDate.fromIso8601(thisStop.format()),
data: formatMomentForWms(prevStop, duration) // used to form the web request
prevStop = thisStop.clone();
} else {
new TerriaError({
title: i18next.t(
message: i18next.t(
{ name: wmsItem.name, isoSegments: isoSegments[2] }
function formatMomentForWms(m, duration) {
// If the original moment only contained a date (not a time), and the
// duration doesn't include hours, minutes, or seconds, format as a date
// only instead of a date+time. Some WMS servers get confused when
// you add a time on them.
if (
duration.hours() > 0 ||
duration.minutes() > 0 ||
duration.seconds() > 0 ||
duration.milliseconds() > 0
) {
return m.format();
} else if (m.creationData().format.indexOf("T") >= 0) {
return m.format();
} else {
return m.format(m.creationData().format);
function updateIntervalsFromTimes(result, times, index, defaultDuration) {
var start = JulianDate.fromIso8601(times[index]);
var stop;
if (defaultDuration) {
stop = JulianDate.addMinutes(start, defaultDuration, new JulianDate());
} else if (index < times.length - 1) {
// if the next date has a slash in it, just use the first part of it
var nextTimeIsoSegments = times[index + 1].split("/");
stop = JulianDate.fromIso8601(nextTimeIsoSegments[0]);
} else if (result.length > 0) {
var previousInterval = result.get(result.length - 1);
var duration = JulianDate.secondsDifference(
stop = JulianDate.addSeconds(start, duration, new JulianDate());
} else {
// There's exactly one timestamp, so we set stop = start.
stop = start;
new TimeInterval({
start: start,
stop: stop,
data: times[index]
function getIntervalsFromLayer(wmsItem, layer) {
var dimensions = wmsItem.availableDimensions[layer.Name];
if (!defined(dimensions)) {
return undefined;
if (!(dimensions instanceof Array)) {
dimensions = [dimensions];
var result = new TimeIntervalCollection();
for (var i = 0; i < dimensions.length; ++i) {
var dimension = dimensions[i];
if (dimension.name && dimension.name.toLowerCase() !== "time") {
var times = dimension.options;
for (var j = 0; j < times.length; ++j) {
var isoSegments = times[j].split("/");
if (isoSegments.length > 1) {
updateIntervalsFromIsoSegments(result, isoSegments, times[j], wmsItem);
} else {
updateIntervalsFromTimes(result, times, j, wmsItem.displayDuration);
return result;
function getFeatureInfoFormats(capabilities) {
var supportsJsonGetFeatureInfo = false;
var supportsXmlGetFeatureInfo = false;
var supportsHtmlGetFeatureInfo = false;
var xmlContentType = "text/xml";
if (
defined(capabilities.Capability.Request) &&
defined(capabilities.Capability.Request.GetFeatureInfo) &&
) {
var format = capabilities.Capability.Request.GetFeatureInfo.Format;
if (format === "application/json") {
supportsJsonGetFeatureInfo = true;
} else if (
defined(format.indexOf) &&
format.indexOf("application/json") >= 0
) {
supportsJsonGetFeatureInfo = true;
if (format === "text/xml" || format === "application/vnd.ogc.gml") {
supportsXmlGetFeatureInfo = true;
xmlContentType = format;
} else if (defined(format.indexOf) && format.indexOf("text/xml") >= 0) {
supportsXmlGetFeatureInfo = true;
xmlContentType = "text/xml";
} else if (
defined(format.indexOf) &&
format.indexOf("application/vnd.ogc.gml") >= 0
) {
supportsXmlGetFeatureInfo = true;
xmlContentType = "application/vnd.ogc.gml";
} else if (defined(format.indexOf) && format.indexOf("text/html") >= 0) {
supportsHtmlGetFeatureInfo = true;
var result = [];
if (supportsJsonGetFeatureInfo) {
result.push(new GetFeatureInfoFormat("json"));
if (supportsXmlGetFeatureInfo) {
result.push(new GetFeatureInfoFormat("xml", xmlContentType));
if (supportsHtmlGetFeatureInfo) {
result.push(new GetFeatureInfoFormat("html"));
return result;
function requestMetadata(wmsItem) {
var result = new Metadata();
result.isLoading = true;
result.promise = when(wmsItem.load())
.then(function() {
var json = wmsItem._rawMetadata;
if (json && json.Service) {
populateMetadataGroup(result.serviceMetadata, json.Service);
} else {
result.serviceErrorMessage =
"Service information not found in GetCapabilities operation response.";
if (wmsItem._thisLayerInRawMetadata) {
} else {
result.dataSourceErrorMessage =
"Layer information not found in GetCapabilities operation response.";
result.isLoading = false;
.otherwise(function() {
result.dataSourceErrorMessage =
"An error occurred while invoking the GetCapabilities service.";
result.serviceErrorMessage =
"An error occurred while invoking the GetCapabilities service.";
result.isLoading = false;
return result;
/* Given a comma-separated string of layer names, returns the layer objects corresponding to them. */
function findLayers(startLayer, names) {
return names.split(",").map(function(name) {
// Look for an exact match on the name.
let match = findLayer(startLayer, name, false);
if (!match) {
const colonIndex = name.indexOf(":");
if (colonIndex >= 0) {
// This looks like a namespaced name. Such names will (usually?) show up in GetCapabilities
// as just their name without the namespace qualifier.
const nameWithoutNamespace = name.substring(colonIndex + 1);
match = findLayer(startLayer, nameWithoutNamespace, false);
if (!match) {
// Try matching by title.
match = findLayer(startLayer, name, true);
return match;
function findLayer(startLayer, name, allowMatchByTitle) {
if (
startLayer.Name === name ||
(allowMatchByTitle && startLayer.Title === name && defined(startLayer.Name))
) {
return startLayer;
var layers = startLayer.Layer;
if (!defined(layers)) {
return undefined;
var found = findLayer(layers, name, allowMatchByTitle);
for (var i = 0; !found && i < layers.length; ++i) {
var layer = layers[i];
found = findLayer(layer, name, allowMatchByTitle);
return found;
function populateMetadataGroup(metadataGroup, sourceMetadata) {
if (typeof sourceMetadata === "string" || sourceMetadata instanceof String) {
for (var name in sourceMetadata) {
if (sourceMetadata.hasOwnProperty(name) && name !== "_parent") {
var value = sourceMetadata[name];
var dest;
if (name === "BoundingBox" && value instanceof Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
var subValue = value[i];
dest = new MetadataItem();
dest.name = name + " (" + subValue.CRS + ")";
dest.value = subValue;
populateMetadataGroup(dest, subValue);
} else {
dest = new MetadataItem();
dest.name = name;
dest.value = value;
populateMetadataGroup(dest, value);
function updateInfoSection(item, overwrite, sectionName, sectionValue) {
if (!defined(sectionValue) || sectionValue.length === 0) {
var section = item.findInfoSection(sectionName);
if (!defined(section)) {
name: sectionName,
content: sectionValue
} else if (overwrite) {
section.content = sectionValue;
function updateValue(item, overwrite, propertyName, propertyValue) {
if (!defined(propertyValue)) {
if (overwrite || !defined(item[propertyName])) {
item[propertyName] = propertyValue;
function crsIsMatch(crs, matchValue) {
if (crs === matchValue) {
return true;
if (crs instanceof Array && crs.indexOf(matchValue) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function getInheritableProperty(layer, name, appendValues) {
var value = [];
while (defined(layer)) {
if (defined(layer[name])) {
if (appendValues) {
value = value.concat(
layer[name] instanceof Array ? layer[name] : [layer[name]]
} else {
return layer[name];
layer = layer._parent;
return value.length > 0 ? value : undefined;
function capabilitiesXmlToJson(item, capabilitiesXml) {
var json = xml2json(capabilitiesXml);
if (!defined(json.Capability)) {
throw new TerriaError({
title: i18next.t("models.webMapServiceCatalogItem.missingDataTitle"),
message: i18next.t("models.webMapServiceCatalogItem.missingDataMessage", {
name: item.name,
'<a href="mailto:' +
item.terria.supportEmail +
'">' +
item.terria.supportEmail +
line: "\n"
return json;
function updateParentReference(capabilitiesJson, parent) {
capabilitiesJson._parent = parent;
var layers = capabilitiesJson.Layer;
if (layers instanceof Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; ++i) {
updateParentReference(layers[i], capabilitiesJson);
} else if (defined(layers)) {
updateParentReference(layers, capabilitiesJson);
function getServiceContactInformation(capabilities) {
if (defined(capabilities.Service.ContactInformation)) {
var contactInfo = capabilities.Service.ContactInformation;
var text = "";
var primary = contactInfo.ContactPersonPrimary;
if (defined(primary)) {
if (
defined(primary.ContactOrganization) &&
primary.ContactOrganization.length > 0
) {
text += primary.ContactOrganization + "<br/>";
if (
defined(contactInfo.ContactElectronicMailAddress) &&
contactInfo.ContactElectronicMailAddress.length > 0
) {
text +=
"[" +
contactInfo.ContactElectronicMailAddress +
"](mailto:" +
contactInfo.ContactElectronicMailAddress +
return text;
} else {
return undefined;
// This is copied directly from Cesium's WebMapServiceImageryProvider.
function objectToLowercase(obj) {
var result = {};
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
result[key.toLowerCase()] = obj[key];
return result;
function computeLegendUrls(catalogItem) {
var result = [];
var layers = catalogItem._allLayersInRawMetadata;
if (!defined(layers)) {
return result;
var styles = catalogItem.styles.split(",");
if (styles.length === 1 && styles[0] === "") {
styles = [];
// Find or create a legend for each layer we're using
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; ++i) {
var legend = computeLegendForLayer(catalogItem, layers[i], styles[i]);
if (defined(legend)) {
return result;
function computeLegendForLayer(catalogItem, thisLayer, styleName) {
var legendUri, legendMimeType;
// If we're using a specific styleName, use the legend associated with that style (if any).
// Otherwise, use the legend associated with the first style in the list.
var style = Array.isArray(thisLayer.Style)
? thisLayer.Style[0]
: thisLayer.Style;
if (defined(styleName)) {
if (Array.isArray(thisLayer.Style)) {
for (var i = 0; i < thisLayer.Style.length; ++i) {
if (thisLayer.Style[i].Name === styleName) {
style = thisLayer.Style[i];
} else {
if (defined(thisLayer.Style) && thisLayer.Style.styleName === styleName) {
style = thisLayer.Style;
if (defined(style) && defined(style.LegendURL)) {
// Use the legend from the style.
// According to the WMS schema, LegendURL is unbounded. Use the first legend in the style.
var legendUrl = Array.isArray(style.LegendURL)
? style.LegendURL[0]
: style.LegendURL;
if (
defined(legendUrl) &&
defined(legendUrl.OnlineResource) &&
) {
legendUri = new URI(
legendMimeType = legendUrl.Format;
if (!defined(legendUri)) {
// Construct a GetLegendGraphic request.
legendUri = new URI(
cleanUrl(catalogItem.url) +
"?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetLegendGraphic&format=image/png&transparent=True&layer=" +
if (defined(style) && defined(style.Name))
legendUri.addQuery("styles", style.Name);
legendMimeType = "image/png";
if (defined(legendUri)) {
// Tweak the URL to produce a better looking legend when possible.
if (legendUri.toString().match(/GetLegendGraphic/i)) {
if (catalogItem.isGeoServer) {
legendUri.setQuery("version", "1.1.0");
var legendOptions = "fontSize:14;forceLabels:on;fontAntiAliasing:true";
legendUri.setQuery("transparent", "True"); // remove if our background is no longer light
// legendOptions += ';fontColor:0xDDDDDD' // enable if we can ensure a dark background
// legendOptions += ';dpi:182'; // enable if we can scale the image back down by 50%.
legendUri.setQuery("LEGEND_OPTIONS", legendOptions);
} else if (catalogItem.isEsri) {
// This sets the total dimensions of the legend, but if we don't know how many styles are included, we could make it worse
// In some cases (eg few styles), we could increase the height to give them more room. But if we always force the height
// and there are many styles, they'll end up very cramped. About the only solution would be to fetch the default legend, and then ask
// for a legend that's a bit bigger than the default.
// uri.setQuery('width', '300');
// uri.setQuery('height', '300');
// Include all of the parameters in the legend URI as well.
if (defined(catalogItem.parameters)) {
for (var key in catalogItem.parameters) {
if (catalogItem.parameters.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
legendUri.setQuery(key, catalogItem.parameters[key]);
if (
defined(catalogItem.colorScaleMinimum) &&
defined(catalogItem.colorScaleMaximum) &&
) {
[catalogItem.colorScaleMinimum, catalogItem.colorScaleMaximum].join(
return new LegendUrl(
return undefined;
module.exports = WebMapServiceCatalogItem;