
"use strict";

var mapping = [];

 * Creates a type derived from {@link CatalogMember} based on a given URL.
 * @param {String} url The derived type name.
 * @param {Terria} terria The Terria instance.
 * @param {Boolean} allowLoad Whether it's ok to attempt to load the URL and detect failures. We generally do this for WMS type services, but not for local files.
 * @returns {CatalogMember} The constructed data item or promise, or undefined if the URL is not supported.
var createCatalogItemFromUrl = function(url, terria, allowLoad, index) {
  index = index || 0;
  if (index >= mapping.length) {
    return undefined;
  if (
    (mapping[index].matcher && !mapping[index].matcher(url)) ||
    (mapping[index].requiresLoad && !allowLoad)
  ) {
    return createCatalogItemFromUrl(url, terria, allowLoad, index + 1);
  } else {
    var item = new mapping[index].constructor(terria);
    if (!allowLoad) {
      return item;
    item.url = url; = url;
    return item
      .otherwise(function(e) {
        return createCatalogItemFromUrl(url, terria, allowLoad, index + 1);

 * Registers a constructor for a given type of {@link CatalogMember}.
 * @param {createCatalogItemFromUrl~Matcher} matcher A function that is given a URL to match as its only parameter.  If the function returns true, The type name for which to register a constructor.
 * @param {createCatalogItemFromUrl~Constructor} constructor The constructor for data items that match the given matcher.
 * @param {createCatalogItemFromUrl~requiresLoad} requiresLoad A boolean indicating whether the URL must be actually loaded in order to really determine if it matches.
createCatalogItemFromUrl.register = function(
) {
    matcher: matcher,
    constructor: constructor,
    requiresLoad: requiresLoad

 * Function interface for matching a URL to a {@link CatalogMember} constructor
 * for that URL.
 * @callback createCatalogItemFromUrl~Matcher
 * @param {String} url The URL to match.
 * @returns {Boolean} True if the constructor can be used with this URL; otherwise, false.
 * @example
 * var czmlExtensionRegex = /\.czml$/i;
 * function isCzml(url) {
 *     return url.match(czmlExtensionRegex);
 * }

 * Function interface for matching a URL to a {@link CatalogMember} constructor
 * for that URL.
 * @callback createCatalogItemFromUrl~Constructor
 * @param {Terria} terria The Terria instance.
 * @param {String} url The URL from which to obtain the data.
 * @returns {CatalogMember} The created data item.

module.exports = createCatalogItemFromUrl;