"use strict";
/* global require */
const defined = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/defined").default;
const DeveloperError = require("terriajs-cesium/Source/Core/DeveloperError")
const Chart = require("./Chart/Chart");
const ChartExpandAndDownloadButtons = require("./Chart/ChartExpandAndDownloadButtons");
const Collapsible = require("./Collapsible/Collapsible");
const CustomComponents = require("./CustomComponents");
const CustomComponentType = require("./CustomComponentType");
const TableStructure = require("../../Map/TableStructure");
const VarType = require("../../Map/VarType");
const Icon = require("../Icon");
const GLYPHS = require("../Icon").GLYPHS;
const React = require("react");
import ChartPreviewStyles from "./Chart/chart-preview.scss";
const chartAttributes = [
* @private
function splitStringIfDefined(string) {
return defined(string) ? string.split(",") : undefined;
* Registers custom component types.
* Here we define the following:
* - <chart>
* - <collapsible>
* You can define your own by replacing this file with your own version.
* <collapsible> displays a collapsible section (see Collapsible.jsx) around its children components.
* It has two allowed attributes:
* - title: The title of the section.
* - [open]: true or false (the default).
* <chart> displays an interactive chart (see Chart.jsx), along with "expand" and "download" buttons (ChartExpandAndDownloadButtons.jsx).
* This button enables a catalog item based on the data, for display in the Chart Panel (ChartPanel.jsx).
* It also detects if it appears in the second column of a <table> and, if so, rearranges itself to span two columns.
* It can have the following attributes. Currently URLs must point to csv (not json) data; but inline json data is supported.
* Note if you change any of these, also update the chartAttributes array above, or they won't make it here.
* - [title]: The title of the chart. If not supplied, defaults to the name of the context-supplied feature, if available, or else simply "Chart".
* - [x-column]: The x column name or number to show in the preview, if not the first appropriate column. NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET.
* - [y-column]: The y column name or number to show in the preview, if not the first scalar column.
* - [y-columns]: Comma-separated list of y column names or numbers to show in the preview. Overrides "y-column" if provided.
* - [colors]: Comma-separated list of css colors to apply to data columns.
* - [column-names]: Comma-separated list of column names to override those in the source data; empty strings retain the original column name.
* Eg. column-names="Time,Height,Speed"
* - [column-units]: Comma-separated list of the units for each column. Empty strings are ok.
* Eg. column-units=",m,km/h"
* - [preview-x-label]: The preview chart x-axis label. Defaults to empty string. Eg. long-names="Last 24 hours,Last 5 days,Time".
* - [id]: An id for the chart; give different charts from the same feature different ids. The actual catalogItem.id used for the expanded chart will
* also incorporate the chart title and the catalog item name it came from.
* - [styling]: Defaults to 'feature-info'. Can also be 'histogram'. TODO: improve.
* - [highlight-x]: An x-coordinate to highlight.
* - [poll-seconds]: If present, the chart is updated from [poll-sources] every [poll-seconds] seconds.
* TODO: Returned data is merged into existing data and shown.
* - [poll-sources]: Comma-separated list of URLs to poll every [poll-seconds] seconds. Defaults to sources.
* - [poll-replace]: Either 'true' or 'false' (case sensitive). Pass 'true' to completely replace the data, 'false' to update
* the existing data. Defaults to false (updating).
* - [can-download]: 'false' to hide the Download button on the chart. By default true and for any other value, the download button is shown.
* - [hide-buttons]: 'true' to hide the Expand and Download buttons on the chart. By default and for any other value, the buttons are shown when applicable.
* Overrides can-download.
* Provide the data in one of these four ways:
* - [sources]: Comma-separated URLs for data at each available time range. The first in the list is shown in the feature info panel preview.
* Eg. sources="http://example.com/series?offset=1d,http://example.com/series?offset=5d,http://example.com/series?all"
* - [source-names]: Comma-separated display names for each available time range, used in the expand-chart dropdown button.
* Eg. source-names="1d,5d,30d".
* - [downloads]: Same as sources, but for download only. Defaults to the same as sources.
* Eg. sources="http://example.com/series?offset=1d,http://example.com/series?offset=5d,http://example.com/series?all"
* - [download-names]: Same as source-names, but for download only. Defaults to the same as source-names.
* Eg. source-names="1d,5d,30d,max".
* Or:
* - [src]: The URL of the data to show in the chart panel, once "expand" is clicked. Eg. src="http://example.com/full_time_series.csv".
* - [src-preview]: The URL of the data to show in the feature info panel. Defaults to src. Eg. src-preview="http://example.com/preview_time_series.csv".
* Or:
* - [data]: csv-formatted data, with \n for newlines. Eg. data="time,a,b\n2016-01-01,2,3\n2016-01-02,5,6".
* or json-formatted string data, with \quot; for quotes, eg. data="[[\quot;a\quot;,\quot;b\quot;],[2,3],[5,6]]".
* Or:
* - None of the above, but supply csv or json-formatted data as the content of the chart data, with \n for newlines.
* Eg. <chart>time,a,b\n2016-01-01,2,3\n2016-01-02,5,6</chart>.
* or <chart>[["x","y","z"],[1,10,3],[2,15,9],[3,8,12],[5,25,4]]</chart>.
* See CustomComponentType for more details.
const registerCustomComponentTypes = function(terria) {
* @private
function processChartNode(context, node, children) {
checkAllPropertyKeys(node.attribs, chartAttributes);
const columnNames = splitStringIfDefined(node.attribs["column-names"]);
const columnUnits = splitStringIfDefined(node.attribs["column-units"]);
const styling = node.attribs["styling"] || "feature-info";
// Present src and src-preview as if they came from sources.
let sources = splitStringIfDefined(node.attribs.sources);
const sourceNames = splitStringIfDefined(node.attribs["source-names"]);
if (!defined(sources) && defined(node.attribs.src)) {
// [src-preview, src], or [src] if src-preview is not defined.
sources = [node.attribs.src];
if (defined(node.attribs["src-preview"])) {
const downloads = splitStringIfDefined(node.attribs.downloads) || sources;
const downloadNames =
splitStringIfDefined(node.attribs["download-names"]) || sourceNames;
const pollSources = splitStringIfDefined(node.attribs["poll-sources"]);
const id = node.attribs.id;
const xColumn = node.attribs["x-column"];
let yColumns = splitStringIfDefined(node.attribs["y-columns"]);
if (!defined(yColumns) && defined(node.attribs["y-column"])) {
yColumns = [node.attribs["y-column"]];
const url = defined(sources) ? sources[0] : undefined;
const tableStructure = tableStructureFromStringData(
getSourceData(node, children)
const colors = splitStringIfDefined(node.attribs["colors"]);
const title = node.attribs["title"];
const updateCounterKeyProps = {
url: url,
xColumn: xColumn,
yColumns: yColumns
const updateCounter = CustomComponents.getUpdateCounter(
// If any of these attributes change, change the key so that React knows to re-render the chart.
const reactKeys = [
title || "",
id || "",
(sources && sources.join("|")) || "",
xColumn || "",
defined(yColumns) ? yColumns.join("|") : "",
colors || ""
const chartElements = [];
if (node.attribs["hide-buttons"] !== "true") {
React.createElement(ChartExpandAndDownloadButtons, {
key: "button",
terria: terria,
catalogItem: context.catalogItem,
title: title,
colors: colors, // The colors are used when the chart is expanded.
feature: context.feature,
sources: sources,
sourceNames: sourceNames,
downloads: downloads,
downloadNames: downloadNames,
tableStructure: tableStructure,
columnNames: columnNames,
columnUnits: columnUnits,
xColumn: node.attribs["x-column"],
yColumns: yColumns,
id: id,
canDownload: !(node.attribs["can-download"] === "false"),
raiseToTitle: !!getInsertedTitle(node),
pollSources: pollSources,
pollSeconds: node.attribs["poll-seconds"],
pollReplace: node.attribs["poll-replace"] === "true",
updateCounter: updateCounter // Change this to trigger an update.
React.createElement(Chart, {
key: "chart",
axisLabel: {
x: node.attribs["preview-x-label"],
y: undefined
catalogItem: context.catalogItem,
url: url,
tableStructure: tableStructure,
xColumn: node.attribs["x-column"],
yColumns: yColumns,
styling: styling,
highlightX: node.attribs["highlight-x"],
// colors: colors, // Note that the preview chart doesn't show the colors.
pollUrl: defined(pollSources) ? pollSources[0] : undefined,
pollSeconds: node.attribs["poll-seconds"], // This is unorthodox: this prop is picked up not by Chart.jsx, but in selfUpdateSeconds below.
// pollIdColumns: node.attribs['poll-id-columns'], // TODO: implement.
// pollReplace: (node.attribs['poll-replace'] === 'true'),
updateCounter: updateCounter,
transitionDuration: 300
return React.createElement(
key: reactKeys.join("-") || "chart-wrapper",
className: ChartPreviewStyles.previewChartWrapper
* Returns the 'data' attribute if available, otherwise the child of this node.
* @private
function getSourceData(node, children) {
const sourceData = node.attribs["data"];
if (sourceData) {
return sourceData;
if (Array.isArray(children) && children.length > 0) {
return children[0];
return children;
* This function does not activate any columns in itself.
* That should be done by TableCatalogItem when it is created around this.
* @private
function tableStructureFromStringData(stringData) {
// sourceData can be either json (starts with a '[') or csv format (contains a true line feed or '\n'; \n is replaced with a real linefeed).
if (!defined(stringData) || stringData.length < 2) {
// We prevent ALT, LON and LAT from being chosen, since we know this is a non-geo csv already.
const result = new TableStructure("chart", {
unallowedTypes: [VarType.ALT, VarType.LAT, VarType.LON]
if (stringData[0] === "[") {
// Treat as json.
const json = JSON.parse(stringData.replace(/"/g, '"'));
return TableStructure.fromJson(json, result);
if (stringData.indexOf("\\n") >= 0 || stringData.indexOf("\n") >= 0) {
// Treat as csv.
return TableStructure.fromCsv(stringData.replace(/\\n/g, "\n"), result);
* @private
function getInsertedTitle(node) {
// Check if there is a title in the position 'Title' relative to node <chart>:
// <tr><td>Title</td><td><chart></chart></tr>
if (
defined(node.parent) &&
node.parent.name === "td" &&
defined(node.parent.parent) &&
node.parent.parent.name === "tr" &&
defined(node.parent.parent.children[0]) &&
) {
return node.parent.parent.children[0].children[0].data;
const chartComponentType = new CustomComponentType({
name: "chart",
attributes: chartAttributes,
processNode: processChartNode,
furtherProcessing: [
// These replacements reformat <chart>s defined directly in a csv, so they take the full width of the 2-column table,
// and present the column name as the title.
// It replaces:
// <tr><td>Title</td><td><chart></chart></tr>
// with:
// <tr><td colSpan:2><div class="chart-title">Title</div><chart></chart></tr>
shouldProcessNode: node =>
// If this node is a <chart> in the second column of a 2-column table,
// then add a title taken from the first column, and give it colSpan 2.
node.name === "td" &&
node.children.length === 1 &&
node.children[0].name === "chart" &&
node.parent.name === "tr" &&
node.parent.children.length === 2,
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
processNode: (context, node, children) => {
const title = node.parent.children[0].children[0].data;
const revisedChildren = [
key: "title",
className: ChartPreviewStyles.chartTitleFromTable
return React.createElement(
{ key: "chart", colSpan: 2, className: ChartPreviewStyles.chartTd },
shouldProcessNode: node =>
// If this node is in the first column of a 2-column table, and the second column is a <chart>,
// then remove it.
node.name === "td" &&
node.children.length === 1 &&
node.parent.name === "tr" &&
node.parent.children.length === 2 &&
node.parent.children[1].name === "td" &&
node.parent.children[1].children.length === 1 &&
node.parent.children[1].children[0].name === "chart",
processNode: function() {
return; // Do not return a node.
* isCorresponding is a function which checks a ReactComponent and returns a Boolean,
* indicating if that react component corresponds to this type.
* "Correspondence" is whatever the component wants it to be, but must be consistent with selfUpdateSeconds.
isCorresponding: function(reactComponent) {
return reactComponent.type === Chart;
selfUpdateSeconds: function(reactComponent) {
return reactComponent.props.pollSeconds; // Note this is unorthodox.
if (!defined(terria)) {
// The chart expand button needs a reference to the Terria instance to add the chart to the catalog.
throw new DeveloperError(
"Terria is a required argument of registerCustomComponentTypes."
const collapsibleComponentType = new CustomComponentType({
name: "collapsible",
attributes: ["title", "open"],
processNode: function(context, node, children) {
return React.createElement(
key: node.attribs.title,
displayName: node.attribs.title,
title: node.attribs.title,
typeof node.attribs.open === "string"
? JSON.parse(node.attribs.open)
: undefined
const iconComponentType = new CustomComponentType({
name: "icon",
attributes: ["glyph", "className"],
processNode: function(context, node, children) {
const badGlyphName = node.attribs.glyph.split("Icon.GLYPHS.")[1];
const goodGlyphName = badGlyphName.substring(0, badGlyphName.length - 1);
return React.createElement(
displayName: "Icon",
glyph: GLYPHS[goodGlyphName],
className: node.attribs.classname
* @private
function checkAllPropertyKeys(object, allowedKeys) {
for (const key in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (allowedKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) {
console.log("Unknown attribute " + key);
throw new DeveloperError("Unknown attribute " + key);
module.exports = registerCustomComponentTypes;